Changing clef on bass stave for a piano solo has no effect

• Aug 6, 2021 - 20:20

I have been transcribing some piano music for my own use. For some unknown reason, when I insert a Treble Clef on the bass staff, the succeeding notes still appear in the position as designated by a Bass clef. For example, when I input a D from the keyboard to a position directly after the inserted Treble Clef, it appears on the middle line, (which would be correct for if I were working on a Bass Clef) and it is named correctly along the bottom of the screen.
I am no expert at using Musescore but I have tried everything I can think of with no success. Has anyone else found a similar problem? Is there a solution?
I have uploaded the file and you are welcome to try inserting a Treble clef at bar 90 and resume the Bass clef at bar 95. You will see what happens!

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In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

I downloaded the problem file to have another look, in case the file you examined had mysteriously corrected itself, but the same thing happens again.
If you look carefully, you will find that the notes, before introducing the Treble clef, do not correspond with the same notes after the Treble clef has been inserted.
What was F#/D with the Bass clef in bar 91 becomes D/B in the Treble clef after a Treble clef is inserted at the beginning of bar 90. As mentioned previously, it would appear that the inserted Treble clef has no effect.

Have you mistakenly entered the French Violin Clef? - this looks like a Treble Clef but has G set on the bottom line instead of the second line.

In reply to by underquark

Thanks underquark. Well spotted! I had indeed accidently inserted the French Violin Clef - something I didn't even know existed.
However I don't know if its replacement would have solved my problem since the solution offered by jm6stringer worked and I don't know how to undo his suggestion.
Thanks for your help. I appreciate your assistance. We learn something new every day!

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