Notes moved to other clef still grouped with original clef

• Aug 22, 2021 - 17:11

I imported a piano midi file and Musescore misinterpreted some of the notes and but them on the wrong staff. I moved them to right staff but the rests that were on that staff remained so I moved those to the other staff. All good except when I select a measure on either staff, it includes the notes or rests that used to be on that staff. Likewise, it doesn't include the notes and rests that were moved to that staff. It wouldn't be a big deal except I cannot edit those measures without it adding rests in the wrong staff. For example, if I delete a note that's been moved to treble clef, it puts a rest in bass clef. How can I correct this?

Capture.JPG Capture2.JPG


The whole point of cross staff notation is to make notes appear on one staff while actually living on another. In this case,e it seems that's not what you want, you simply want the notes to move permanently. Cut & paste is the way to move things in MuseScore.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach the actual score, not just a picture, and describe which notes you wish moved and where you want them instead.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I figured it out. I tried cut and paste and it cuts but doesn't paste. I'm not sure if that's because the measure is too full because of the rests that were automatically added? What I had to do was move the notes and rests and then delete the note and add it back in. After that, they lived on the right staff. It's tedious but I can do it.
If there's an easier way, I would really appreciate the help. I've attached the score, along with a copy of the score I created in Pro Tools which is correct.

Attachment Size
Lullaby at 1am.mscz 27.1 KB
Lullaby at 1am.pdf 56.03 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Actually, I did try it. Before I posted on here, I searched for solutions and that was one of the first that came up. I'm not sure why it didn't work. I assume, it's something to do with the way Musescore sees the surrounding notes in the measure. Specifically, 5 eighth notes are played by the left hand and immediately after the left hand plays its last note and then rests for the remainder of the measure, the right hand plays 3 eighth notes. For some reason, Musescore tied those to the left hand eighth notes even after I split the staffs.

In reply to by nappyhoose

Your description here does not match the screenshot from your opening post in the way that the pitches between those two staves as you've shown are far apart, therefor when splitting using a fixed split point (again, not the split option in the import panel) there is no way for these notes to end up on the same staff.
Since ties are entirely pitch related I struggle with the cross staff tie claim you've made.

Would it be possible for you to share (that part of) the MIDI file here for follow-up?

In reply to by jeetee

The screen shot I shared wasn't from after I tried the fixed point split. It was after I started over and tried a few different things before finally settling on just moving the notes and rests between staffs. Frankly, I don't have to time to keep going over this and I don't really care if you don't believe me. The song is finished so I've moved on.

In reply to by nappyhoose

The reason why I care though, is that if what you're describing is happening it's a bug
And without a good way of reproducing such a bug, it's unlikely to get fixed.

Which means that other users (and your future self included) will probably be bothered by it again in the future. We have an opportunity here to try and prevent future aggravations and improve the software.

But if it's currently too much hassle, then moving on is fine too.

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