musescore crashes on opening score

• Sep 5, 2021 - 18:39

A score that I worked on the last days crashes musescore, the backup score does too.

I noticed some weird behavior, actually occasional lagging the hours I worked on it. But when i saved it and reopened it, it crashed.

When I run musescore via terminal this is displayed:
Element::readProperties: linked elements have different types: KeySig, TimeSig. Input file corrupted?
Element::readProperties: could not link KeySig at staff 3
Element::readProperties: linked elements have different types: KeySig, TimeSig. Input file corrupted?
Element::readProperties: could not link KeySig at staff 12

I tried finding errors in the uncompressed mscx file, but I'm not a coder nor do I really know what to look for.

I actually needed to finish it and bring it to a important rehearsal tomorrow. I won't make that, but: Please help!


Attachment Size
The_Thread_Kindergarten.mscz 63.93 KB


No lagging or crashing here...
But indeed the easiest way to fix a potential issue between score and parts is to delete and regenerate the parts.
And indeed there is a mismatch of key signatures between the score and some parts: Sopransaxophone, Tenor Sax 1 and Trumpet 1

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