I'm trying to import this PDF file but when it does half of the stuff is missing on the score ?

• Dec 10, 2021 - 03:26

Hi, I'm trying to import this PDF file it works but for some reason, half of the stuff on the score is missing how do I fix that I want to import it without losing its properties?


The sort of AI technoogy necessary to turn pictures of music into actual music is still pretty primitive, and it's completely normal that it won't go all that well. Usually it's faster to simply re-enter the music yourself.

In reply to by JLamXT

There's a lot of such software out there, but it's all still pretty primitive AI, as I said. Feel free to do a web search for music scanning software, and then you can see what's in your budget. It still won't be perfect, but maybe if you try enough other programs, you might find one that does enough better to have been worth the effort/cost.

But, what do you mean about needing to do type it in "again"? If you did it once, why not simply open that file directly?

In reply to by JLamXT

It' will almost certainly be far faster, easier, and cheaper than buying a program that gets you half way there but then requires much more work and expertise on your part to fix the errors. Entering music directly is much easier than finding and fixing the many errors that are generally introduced by scanning software. Really expert users of MuseScore might be able to find and fix those errors almost as fast as they can enter music directly, but for most people, entering themselves is much simpler.

In reply to by JLamXT

Even with professional programs, manual work is usually required after the conversion.
While musescore.com uses an older version of free Audiveris , I use a locally installed new Audiveris.
This requires some training but gives better results.

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YOASOBI.mxl 62.42 KB

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