changing key signature without changing notes' signature

• Dec 24, 2021 - 16:05

Hi all, and ..
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you all !!!
My score converter sometimes doesn't recognize (can you imagine?) when the key signature changes and it stays unchanged for many bars.
Today when I apply the correct key signature, MuS automatically updates the target notes.
Is there a way to tell MuS not to do that?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"My score converter sometimes doesn't recognize when the key signature changes and it stays unchanged for many bars"

So are you talking about OMR (optical music recognition)? If a change of key signature is missed during OMR, that needs to be corrected within the OMR software's own editor before exporting the notes as MusicXML.

The earlier passage - bars 96-99 - already has a key signature of one sharp (F#). If the missing key signature (four sharps) is not corrected at bar 100 before creating the MusicXML export, then some notes (in your case C, G, D) will be exported at the wrong pitch (i.e. as naturals). Other notes (A, B, E, F#) will be exported at the correct pitch. Unfortunately you then have a mixture of correct notes and wrong notes.

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