How do I recreate this for a harp

• Jan 9, 2022 - 11:39

How can I recreate this in Musescore?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-01-09 193700.png 22.17 KB


Start as usual by creating a score, entering time signatures. Enter the short notes and make the last one invisible to maintain the appearance of the beam. Glissando up to the C, move the left side of the Gliss. line to the last visible note, remove the Gliss. text in Inspector.

If you want perfect playback, you're on your own, but it would require hidden notes that play and visivle notes that don't play.

Attachment Size
temp_gliss.mscz 15.97 KB

In reply to by scottramsay07

It's not totally clear what isn't working for you about the default glissando - harps aren't capable of portamento. But I guess you are hearing there chromatic pitches and don't want to? You can set them to be diatonic using the Inspector, but that woin't take pedal settings into consideration 0 just the key. So you might have to using invisible notes for this purpose. If you attach your actual score and describe what you are trying to achieve in moire detail, we can understand and assist better.

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