opening files on iMac

• Jan 19, 2022 - 15:48

I recently migrated my Musescore files from my laptop to my new iMac desktop through onedrive. Every time I try to open certain files in Musescore on my iMac, It comes up cannot read file blah blah Permission denied! What do I do?


In order to assist, we'd need you to attach the file in question as a starting point, to make sure there is nothing wrong with the file itself. But, permission denied is an OS-generated error condition, so more likely, the problem isn't with the file itself but with the permissions on it and/or the folder you have stored it in. Meaning, a problem you would need to fix using the tools provided by your OS (probably Finder, I'm not familiar enough with macOS to say). You need to be sure the file and the folder is readable.

In reply to by donnymoss28

If those file are lacking permissions for you to read them, then indeed the Upload here and opening in MuseScore would be affected.

My guess is that the user IDs between your old and new computer don't match, and the transfer via OneDrive kept those, so on the new iMac you have the files, but are not their owner. And probably they are secured in a way that only allows the owner to read them.
That old laptop wasn't also a Mac, or was it?

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