windows 10 problems

• Feb 10, 2022 - 19:36

When recently got a new computer with win10 64-bit,
I discovered some problems with musescore ( 3.6.2, 548021803, rev 3224f34)
When typing in notes, musescore goes grey and freezes after 2 or 3 notes.
But with headphones or speaker attached, it goes fine. Seems like musescore gets upset if no audio device is attached.
And today, working with headphones, and decided to switch to speakers; no sound from notes in speakers after plugging them in. But other sounds were fine in speakers, like system chimes.
Restart Musescore with the speakers connected, no problem.
These two occurrences point towards some issue with sound handling in musescore when running in win10.

Oh, and btw, playback legato is still not good ;)

BR Lars


I have MuseScore on four W10 computers. Only one has similar problem. But that is a hardware problem and nothing to do with MuseScore. What make and model is your new computer?

Oh and btw, playback legato probably won't be fixed in V3.

> "working with headphones, and decided to switch to speakers"
Try pressing the MIDI input toolbar button twice after doing the switch. It'll force MuseScore to request the audio devices again from the Operating System.

The message that you changed devices is lost somewhere between the operating system and the underlying soundlibrary currently used by MuseScore. We never get notified of the change and keep sending audio to your disconnected headphones :'(

In reply to by jeetee

PC is a MSI PRO DP21 11M, win10 to latest update
Speaker driver in system is realtek 10.0.19041.1
I'd say musescore has issues with the audio interface.
No other audio related software behaves like this ( Chrome/Teams/Scype/VLC/Messenger/whatever)
Only musescore freezes if no headphones or speakers are connected
Only Musescore cant handle live change of audio output device.

In reply to by jeetee

Being a programmer, but not on x86 systems, I rest my case..
There's a combability issue, I guess we can agree on that.
If the sound library code within win10 is not fulfilling the layer specs published the issue should be raised to microsoft. I don't have the knowledge to do that.
As long as the playback device is attached at startup, everything is fine. I'm happy with that.
That info could be added to Q&A for others.
BR Lars

In reply to by SM4RZW

Indeed, there is a compatibility issue with your system. My i5, Realtek audio desktop does not freeze when no speakers or headphones are connected. MuseScore still works.
Perhaps your MSI that is designed for business apps and peripherals, has something set different.

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