Multi measure rests not working

• Aug 8, 2021 - 11:07

Hi wanting to add multi measure rest bars but the score won't let me, I have tried selecting the bars then using the m key. I have also gone to Format style and ticked create multi measure bars, still know joy. I have attached the score if anyone can see what I'm doing wrong. I'm on a mac computer. Thanks in advance.

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Ordner Seg (Jason).mscz 32.34 KB


Selecting measures is irrelevant to toggling multimeasure rests, that is a score or part wide setting.
But having set the measures' proerties to "Break multimeastre rests" is what's causing this here (measure 2), also setting the minimum number to 8 (Format > Style > Score) isn't going to help

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

ive been having a problem with multi measures.
I got to format and tick the "make multimeausures" box, and set it to default 2. but then it doesnt work? I press m and it doesnt work either. i don't know what to do, as i have to turn this piece of music in, and i can't do it with 20+ rests sitting there

In reply to by Rifto

A multi-measure rest can only be shown when the entire range of measures to combine is completely empty. This means for all instruments shown in that measure. So you can have them in the master score as well, if (and only if) all instruments are silent for more than one consecutive measure.

By creating parts, you can select which instruments are being part of the system; and as such which are taken into account when analyzing the measure for being empty.

In reply to by Rifto

I'm confused as to what you're confused about :-), but to be clear:

It makes no sense for multimeasures rests to appear in scores, because it's almost never the case that all instruments are resting at once (John Cage 4'33" excepted). So you shouldn't be expecting to see them in your score. However, when you run File / Parts to create parts from your score, you'll find the multimeasure rests are created automatically.

So, just focus on the music, MuseScore takes care of the multimeasure rests for you automatically when it becomes appropriate.

In reply to by Rifto

Using multi-measure rests is really irrelevant for the full score, because there is almost always at least one instrument playing.

It's only when you look at individual instruments that you will find longer stretches of silence which are best represented by a multi-measure rest.

In reply to by Rifto

You wrote:
so you mean i need to have everything as single parts...

Yes, but...
While a part can contain multi-measure rests, a part is not restricted to a single instrument. A part can contain more than one instrument. For example, a part can be comprised of all the instruments in the "horn section".
and, to include more instruments in a part:

With a master score on the side?

The master score contains all the instruments, so a multi-measure rest which consolidates 20 empty bars of one particular instrument into a two-inch wide space in the score cannot align with the staves above and below (for other instruments) which have 20 bars full of notes. These full bars may span the entire page, or more, and will likely require more than 2 inches of space. Since all measures in a system of the master score have to align across all the instruments, multi-measure rests are not normally used.

In reply to by Rifto

It depends on what you plan to do with the score. Printing individual parts should be no problem.
The master score is what doen't fit because of the number of instruments. You can increase the page size in Format > Page settings.

Another possibility is to decrease the size of your score by reducing the scaling.

Thanks all for the valuable input, but to keep it simple, why M is not working anymore in the newer version?
For simple parts it was excellent.

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