rhythmic notation

• May 8, 2022 - 07:54

Is it possible to create rhythmic notation for rhythm instruments...this would mean deleting the staff as such, or at least only a single line


You mean like this?


In the instruments window,double click on "Common" and more choices will come up. This one is snare drum.

See also the Handbook section on Tools, to learn about rhythmic slash notation. You could use that on its own or in conjunction with hiding the staff. Depending on your intended use and intended audience, I'd normally recommend keeping the staff. But for the record, if you do choose to hide it for whatever reason, right-click it, Staff/Part Properties. There you can make the staff lines invisible, or reduce down to just one.

In reply to by ejmusic@lynxnet.ca

Hmm, that's definitely an umfamiliar notation to me. Is there a reference you can give a link to that explains how it works?

As it is, definitely seems to be for some sort of perrcussion instrument, so I'd add whichever one you think might be closest in terms of default sound. And then use Edit Drumset to define pitches using the different noteheads. It's not clear if the x's above/below noews represent other notes with no stems, or some sort of articulation. If the former, you can enter notes in another voice and make them stemless. If the latter, you could enter them as text, or if you know the name of the symbol, search the Symbols palette for it.

The thing I have no idea at all about is the symbol that looks like a horiztonal half note with its feet up in the air. That you might need to add as a graphic. Again, unless it's a standard symbol you know the name for, in which case if it is part of the SMuFL standard for music notation, you can find it in the Symbols palette, if you know its name.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Turns out this is a legitimate notation. I found a couple of books that use it. The problem the OP might have is that it might be copyrighted. Each symbol represents a particular way to play a cup. Lift and tap, turn cup over, lift and set down, tap behind your back.

In reply to by ejmusic@lynxnet.ca

I'm kind of intrigued by cup notation. How many special notes are there. In this simple file I've posted, the triangle notes are images I created. As is the horizontal symbol. Regular notes can be entered as normal. X's can be added. Actual notes must be added to get the spacing right. Then covered by my images. Doable if there aren't too many special symbols. Not really what MuseScore is designed for.

Attachment Size
cup-Part.mscx 10.64 KB

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