SOLVED: Repeats of Chorus with multiple different Verses. Kudos to jeetee

• Jun 9, 2022 - 17:01

Hi all. This is on MuseScore 3.0 EDIT: 3.6
I have 5 verses and 2 bridges; all of my Verses have variations and therefor need an individual score.
Because of that, I can not figure out how I could insert the playback of the Chorus using 'signe', 'capo' and 'fine' etc. Even if I somehow manage, it seems to lack elegance.

V1 - Chorus - V2 - Chorus - Bridge1 - V3 - Chorus - V4 - Chorus - Bridge2 - V5 - Chorus - Fine

What I want is to define a span of measures (e.g. measure 25-35) as my "Chorus".
This would define a variable "ChorusStart"=measure25.
Then I need a function "JumpToChorusStart" which does 2 things:
1) set a variable "JumpReturn" to the value of the next measure (e.g. Verse 2 finishes in measure 80, so JumpReturn = 80+1, as 81 is the first measure of Verse 3)
2) jump to "ChorusStart"
When defining the Chorus-span, the last
Measure (here m35) would get a Function to check if "JumpReturn" is set. If not, continue straight (measure 36), else go to JumpReturn (measure 81).
When I arrive at the end of Verse 3 (measure 112) I can have a new "JumpToChorusStart". "JumpReturn" is overridden to 112+1 and we Jump into the Chorus and back again. Etc, etc, etc.

From a programming perspective I would //think// this to be a trivial matter, so I'm wondering if I just overlooked the feature somewhere?
Do I need a plugin?
Or should I post this in feature request?

However I do realize that in programming sometimes what seems to be the most trivial thing from the outside can be an utter and total nightmare to achieve (I'm looking at you, CSS! >:( ). So please don't take this as an insult, because I think a trivial-looking feature isn't there.

Ps: I'm first-time user since 2 weeks with near 0 knowledge of music theory and I am very hyped about how well this program is thought through, ESPECIALLY how awesomely intuitive it is to pick up the shortcuts. Having learned a ton of other complex programs, this is very highly appreciated! And it's ALL FREE for amateurs. Lots of Kudos!


If you're really on MuseScore 3.0: Update to 3.6.2, the latest (and most probably last) of the 3,x series. Might not help in this case, but would in many others

Then share the score.

Place a "segno" at the start of the chorus and a "to coda" at the end of it.
Place a "coda" at the start of all verses above 1.
Place a "D.S. al Coda" at the end of each verse.

Use the inspector to change the "label" for each coda to something like "verseXstart".
Use the inspector to change the targets for each "D.S. al Coda" to set the "continue at" field to the correct "verseXstart" value.

You can then turn markers invisible or double click them to edit their text to your liking.

In reply to by jeetee

YES!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Beauty! Perfect! Thank you so much! :D
Exactly what I was looking for!
All the tutorials for Segno, Coda etc. (that I looked at) omitted to mention the individual Labels and "Continue At" parameters.
I knew it was too easy and too important not to be implemented already!
I revoke my accusation of lack of elegance for the Segno/Coda solution :)
Happyness! :D

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I did have a read through the jumps section of the handbook.
However, as a newbe with very limited experience with music theory and reading sheet music, the "music-geeky" names and symbols just confused the heck out of me. @_@
Made it really hard to to realize that it was giving me the answer to my question.
I really needed that step-by-step scenario that jeetee gave me.
I highly recommend adding one or two case scenarios directly into that section of the handbook.

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