Numbering pieces
Good morning.
I need to number ca. 200 short pieces for an album. I could not find how to do it in the documentation. Is this possible?
Good morning.
I need to number ca. 200 short pieces for an album. I could not find how to do it in the documentation. Is this possible?
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Just rename the mscz files? Or use File > Save as (and then remove the old files). Yes, for 200 that's a pain... but for the renaing there are tools available, thouse are well out of score here though
In reply to Just rename the mscz files?… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi Jojo,
the point is, the pieces are short, several being include in a single page. Like in a didactic work with lots of short exercises. They need to appear one after each other, clearly separated, in the same page, and numbered.
In reply to Hi Jojo, the point is, the… by ManuelMyV
So you need the number as part of the score title, right?
So modify the scores to have that and rename.
Export to MusicXML, import in 2.3.2, joine into an album there, save, import that into 3.6.2
In reply to So you need the number as… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't get it. See the following example (in my case, the pieces are longer than one line
and have more than one voice)
In reply to I don't get it. See the… by ManuelMyV
So? MuseScore 3 doesn't have the album feature, so with that you can't combine multiple files into one.
In reply to So? MuseScore 3 doesn't have… by Jojo-Schmitz
Sorry, I can't find out what the apmun feature is.
In reply to Sorry, I can't find out what… by ManuelMyV
Sorry, type, corrected now
In reply to Sorry, type, corrected now by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh well, that is just too bad. Anyway, thank you for your help.