The ever-popular "Coda not working" problem. Help?

• Aug 24, 2022 - 12:49

I'm entering scores by hand to learn guitar, and Musescore really helps. I've been using Musescore for about three weeks, and it's been great, until I tried using Codas.
Here's a partial score, I didn't continue as the codas won't work for me, even though I've tried everything, changing labels, adding repeat bars, etc. I can't get it!
The roadmap is simple - play from the beginning up to measure 25, then repeat from "the top", up until measure 15, then go to Coda at measure 25, then to the end.
the original music uses D.C. al coda instead of D.S. al segno and a segno, but I have been trying all combinations, and I just left it with segno.


Your D.S. al Coda has the "Play until" set to "To coda" (which is not the default setting), but the "To coda" itself has its label named "coda", so there's a mismatch.

BTW: The D.S al Coda also has "Play repeats" enabled, but the score doesn't have any.
And it has a Fine, but nothing refering to it.

Click on these jump signs coda, to coda, segno, D.S. al segno, D.S. al coda etc. after setting them in the score.
You will see in the inspector the labels an the jump destinations and check them.
Normally there is no problem. If you delete all your jump instructions and set them anew, it should work.

If not, see attached my corrections of your score.

In reply to by HildeK

Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, the corrected score that HildeK provided did not work either, and it should have. I concluded that there is something corrupt in my original score, something which I couldn't find using Inspector or Timeline.
I made a new little score using D.C. al coda and coda, and it worked perfectly, so I will just re-enter my "Pretty Pickin'" score.
Luckily it's not a fifty page orchestral score!
thank you.

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