How to combine two sets of 16th note triplets into sextuplets?

• Sep 18, 2022 - 05:41

I am hoping to be able to combine two sets of triplets into sextuplets without having to rewrite the notes. I have attached an image of what it looks like. Is there an easy way to do this? The top stave is pretty much entirely sixteenth note triplets but the auto midi import treated them as triplets, but the way it is played, it is more accurate to describe it as sextuplets since the velocity goes HIGH low HIGH low HIGH low.

Attachment Size
tuplets.png 37.38 KB


Depending on the file, you might be able to get the sextuplets by changing the setting sin the MIDI import panel. In order to assist further, we'd need you to attach the MIDI file in question. As mentioned, MIDI is not really a good method of creating notation data, so if your goal is to efficiently create good notation, you'll generally find it far simpler to enter it directly into MuseScore.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have attached the file if anyone would be so gracious enough as to take a look. I will enter it if need be, but it will take a long time and this midi is SO close to being right that I'm still hoping for some sort of solution here. There is no 6 - tuple option in the import options for some reason, only 3 4 5 7 9.

Attachment Size
fmarp3.mid 2.86 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc, It is the right file actually, it's just the sub-section excerpt from my main piece. I imported only this section of midi originally and then copy pasted it into my main piece, which is why you don't see 45-48. This file only gets how I have it with the following import settings in the image attached which adds the tuplets of 3:

Attachment Size
fmarp3_importsettings.png 24.51 KB

In reply to by moonlapsepiano

OK, I see what you mean. There might not be a way to force that notation. Again, if the goal is to get specific notation, MIDI isn't the way. Realistically, triplets are easier for most people to read anyhow. But if you want more control over the notation, again, MIDI isn't your friend. It's more useful for people who don't care much about notation but just want to get some notes in.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc. You are right about that. I guess I'm just trying to move as quickly as possible between a midi arrangement and sheet music, and need to decide where the line of perfectionism. Also, I must say, the import worked perfectly for all note durations above 16th note triplets. Do you think it's fine for something which 'sounds' like a sextuplet to be grouped into 3's like this, or would pianists be confused about the rhythm to play it in (would they emphasize the first note of each triplet?)

In reply to by moonlapsepiano

I find it either to read with the triplets but would not play it differently either way. I'd worry much more about inapprorpiate spelling of accidentals, poor choices regarding use of multiple voices. and the other issues that are inherent with MIDI. I mean, if you have a lot of info already entered into some other program and its too late to reconsider how you start this project, I get it. I'm talking more about future projects.

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