symbol sizes

• Oct 8, 2022 - 14:33

The symbol size is ridiculously small. In Musescore 2, it was easy - I just R.clicked on it and in the text box, could change the size. I can't find where to do that in Musescore 3. I did check the questions/answers but can't find it.


In reply to by spojaw

They should be a pretty standard size by default unless you’ve overrides the style settings. Best to attach your score so we can see what is going on. But anyhow, as I said, the Inspector is how you set properties of individual elements. If you want to make a change into the style default, press the “S” button (set as style).

In reply to by spojaw

The size of segno, coda, varsegno, dynamics etc. can be modified in the inspector or after double clicking the symbol.
Symbols from the master palette are fix. The size of them depends as all other things of the page setting value for staff space.

In reply to by spojaw

I'm not totally sure.
For the current sheet, you can resize an element, such as the dynamics, and then press the 'S' to the right of that resize setting. All dynamics in your score will be resized.
Reapeat this for other elements, e.g. segno, system text, etc.

When all these settings are the way you want, you can save it as a style template (Format / Save Style).
And for new sheets you can either reload this style again or you can set it as default file for style settings in Edit / Preferences ... / Score.

In reply to by spojaw

As I said before, the default should already be a standard size. So in order to understand what is going on to make them “ridiculously small” in your particular score, we would need you to attach it. Better to fix the cause than just treat the symptom. But also as mentioned, the set as style button would fix this your current score.

In reply to by spojaw

Many laptops have the functions do double duty - also for changing volume or screen brightness, etc. usually there is a key marked “Fn” or something similar that you use along with the key to control which behavior is which. And usually there is a setting on the computer somewhere to control behavior is the default.

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