Insert Text in my song "Together Forever"

• Nov 5, 2022 - 21:46

I accidentally deleted the word "one" in the second line of text in measure 5. Instead of saying "one love" it says "love." When I try to input the word "one" musescore creates a third line of text. How do I input the word "one" so that it appears before the word "love" in the fifth measure?


I can confirm the crash. Somehow it seems you didn't exactly delete the lyric as much as replace it with something empty. I can tell this because a) clicking the note and pressing Ctrl+L skips over that nd goes to the third verse as you say, but also b) if I click the note then start pressing Alt+Right to navigate element by element, I see the after first selecting the word "one" in the first verse, the next time I press Alt+Right, I don't see what's selected, but the stats but says it is a lyric. So, hit Delete at that point. Now the lyric is truly deleted, and you can add a new one.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

An other way:
select any lyrics word and then select all similar elements. Change in inspector the frame setting to 'rectangle'.
Now you can see some empty rectangles as placeholders for (not completely deleted) lyrics.
Now the word 'one' may be inserted in measure 5 and the other empty rectangles may be deleted.
Again select all lyrics and remove the frame.

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