D.S. al Segno

• Nov 15, 2022 - 01:32

I'm trying to get a D.S. al Segno to work correctly. I put the D.S. in the last measure (second Volta of the B section) and the Segno on the first measure of the A section. The Fine goes on the first Volta of the A section. When I play it, the D.S. goes to the lead in measure instead of the first measure. It then skips the first and plays the second Volta and then on through B section. It skips the first Volta in the B Section and plays the second one (where the D.S. al Segno is). Thankfully it stops there instead of looping.
problem example.pdf


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks, I figured out the D.C./D.S. thing. The original piece had a dotted bar just before the last two notes of the measure with the Fine. I think that meant don't play them. It sounds weird if you do, but , fiddlers do that sort of thing. I should probably switch things to a coda.

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