Can't un-mute my score, now it won't play

• Dec 14, 2022 - 13:32


OK, I finally just looked in Mixer, and the answer was that the "Play" button I kept checking and unchecking can also be controlled much more intuitively from there. I don't know what I was doing wrong, but working through Mixer has me back up and running. Sorry to have bothered you all.

For the sake of clarity and completion, here's my original post:


I tried to make the notes on at the Spoken stave in this piece be silent, so I wouldn't hear them on layout. I went through them all individually and deselected "Play" in the Inspector window. Now nothing plays at all. And I can't seem to reverse the problem. I have tried selecting all like elements and checking "Play" in the Inspector. Nope, doesn't work. I have tried individual notes, same.

The only thing I have occasionally managed to do is switch "Play" back on - on the one stave that I want to be silent. I can't persuade the others to play at all.

Sadly, I have now done so many things that I have kind of lost track of what I have and haven't tried... So, how do I:

a) get everything playing again, and
b) then get it so the notes on the Spoken stave don't play, but only them? (I guess maybe just through the Mixer...? D'oh. But (a) is still important!)

Many thanks for any answers.

Attachment Size
Sample.mscz 17.18 KB


Actually, you have only set the staff 'Speaker 1' to solo in the mixer.
This means: only speaker 1 plays, all others are muted.

Open the mixer, deactivate the green 'S' (for solo) and select the red 'M' for mute in the channel 'Speaker 1'.
For playback you have to start from the beginning, because all notes of the other staves are tied, otherwise Musescore will not play them back.

In reply to by HildeK

Some additional hints:
* To mute only some notes ore measures, you can use the inspector and uncheck "Play".
* To mute an entire stave, it is best to use the mute button in the mixer for the channel in question.
* I wonder how someone can sing or play 11 measures as tied notes?
* Musescore does not start playback anywhere in the middle of tied notes - only at the beginning, because the tied notes are treated as a single note with a long duration.

In reply to by HildeK

Many thinks, HildeK. The tied notes thing is an artefact of selecting a small portion of a larger score. My bad. But I did know about that. The long notes are actually sung in a staggered / overlapping fashion with plenty of opportunity for individual breaths; again an artefact of selecting a small part of the score.

The other stuff is new to me and incredibly useful. Thank you so much :-)

In reply to by Richard BW

After looking at your score again:

  • You have hidden the staves in Speaker 1. This only affects the print out. Bar lines, rests, key signature, time signature and possibly bar numbers are still there, they would have to be hidden separately.

  • You have hidden the notes of speaker 1. This also only affects the print out. They still sound.

  • If all this is hidden, however, the result is no longer particularly useful, e.g. for printing.

  • If you want to hide Speaker 1 completely, you can uncheck 'visible' in the instrument list (press i) but then the lyrics will also be invisible. However, the sound is still available - it is just muted in the mixer if necessary, as already mentioned.

  • However, do you need a line for the lyrics of Speaker 1: in staff properties you could also change to a single line staff and hide only the time signature and key signature ... Maybe it's clearer?

  • The fermata at the end can have a time stretch property - see inspector.

  • A ritardando can be achieved by the tempo change plugin.

Attached you can find my version, but it all depends on what you want to achieve in the end.

Attachment Size
Sample_0-1.mscz 16.17 KB

In reply to by HildeK

Thanks for all of this. Most of this was deliberate and was working for me, but not as well as it should. In the end, I have removed the stave completely and added the spoken words as System Text above the sopranos. The main reason for having a separate stave was to signal that it wasn't necessarily to be a soprano voice. But I've got it all sorted now :-)

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