I BROKE Musescore 4 with these epic piano licks!

• Dec 18, 2022 - 15:12

First off: I want to congratulate the MuseScore team and community on this release. I played around with the beta a few weeks ago and was eager to give the official 4.0 release a try - This was the Christmas gift the world didn't know it needed, and I am blown away by how good everything looks, feels and sounds. Kudos to everyone involved!!

That being said, I humbly present my Musescore file, which I composed over the past 3 days, in which I seem to have inadvertently broken the piano part.

For context: I wrote m.8-26 on the 16th, since I needed to get the part to my piano player early before they left for the holidays. Everything worked very well and I was able to export the PDF just fine (see ibhfc_idj_v1.mscz attached)

On the 17th, I fleshed out the arrangement, adding measures to the beginning and end, as well as time signature changes, double barlines, and other details. I also added horn & oboe parts, and an additional 12 bars of piano (the final version is ibhfc_idj_v4.mscz). At some point in this process, I seem to have utterly broken the piano part.

As I went along in the process, I started to encounter a lot of crashes, and I was able to identify a pattern. These crashes occurred whenever I tried to add details to the piano part, like trills, arpeggios, ties, and hairpins. In v4 of my file, you'll notice the piano part is missing several measures, and blank for several more. I was able to create another piano part, which I called "New Piano," which actually displays everything properly, but it will still crash MS4 when I try to add musical details.

If I encountered a freak issue like this in Finale or Sibelius, my hunch would be to simply delete the part and create it anew. However there doesn't appear to be any way to do this in MS4 - I can delete additional parts (like my "New Piano" part) but not the original ones that are generated by default.

If anyone has any thoughts on why this might be occurring, or how to fix it? I'd love to know if this is a freak MS4 bug, or human error. Thank you :)

Attachment Size
ibhfc_idj_v4.mscz 113.82 KB
ibhfc_idj_v1.mscz 46.62 KB


FWIW, I added a second piano part to your v4 score and copied the original piano part into it. Then added a tie in measure 16. No crash if the tie is added to the new part. Crash if the tie was added to the original part.

I might suggest as a general rule, to work in in page view and on the score. not in parts. Especially in new software that still has some growing to do.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for the response! I was able to fix the piano part by copying and pasting it into a second piano part and deleting the original. A remarkably simple solution :)

The note about page view is an excellent point - I did most of my work in Continuous view, as that's what I'm used to. Perhaps Continuous View is the source of the issue?

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