How to turn JSON output back into a Musescore file?

• Jan 6, 2023 - 23:00

I am using some of the command line options to try and batch convert a large number of files, specifically transpose from bass clef to treble clef, so basically just move a single note line up several octaves. I have discovered the command line usage of:

MusicStation:~ dmcgilli$ /Applications/MuseScore\ ~/Desktop/TestTranspose.mscz --score-transpose '{"mode": "by_interval", "direction": "up", "transposeInterval": 25, "transposeKeySignatures": true}'

And that works, but what returns is a giant blob of JSON which, great, something happened, but what do I do with that blob to turn it into its own Musescore file? I need that to be a net new transposed file ..somewhere.

I can pipe the results into a txt file with:

MusicStation:~ dmcgilli$ /Applications/MuseScore\ ~/Desktop/TestTranspose.mscz --score-transpose '{"mode": "by_interval", "direction": "up", "transposeInterval": 25, "transposeKeySignatures": true}' >> Blob.json

but then what? How does Musescore do anything with that?

Still using Musescore 3.6 on El Capitan.


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