Musescore 4 file Crashed now even the auto save won't open!!!

• Mar 15, 2023 - 10:19

I am desperate, I stayed the whole night working on an arrangement to deliver it today and Musescore simply crashed and I can't recover it. Every time I try to open my saved file, musescore crashes, without any message.

I tried opening the autosave file but it happens the same!

Could someone please help me? Never had any issue like this with Musescore 2 or 3....

I'm posting both sessions, the original and the autosave, if someone can open it please tell me.



Ok, I managed to open the file on Musescore 3 with the .mscx file I got through unzipping it.

Now my file is working on Musescore, except the Chord Symbols that are not showing the chord name, only its qualities.

So I thought I could just save it and open it in Musescore 4. But no, it still crashes in Musescore 4. This just proves what I've been thinking since the beginning of this year: Why is this version so bad?? It's always crashing, that tab alternative ctrl+arrow to change between chord symbols never worked on my computer, the search for tools is sooo bad and laggy, and a lot of other issues that I'm very upset using it.

I think I will have to stay on Musescore 3. Things still need to improve a lot.

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