Staff/Part Properties

• Apr 22, 2023 - 00:07

Please excuse my ignorance. I'm using Musescore version 3.6.2. I had a question about staves, and was advised to look at "Staff/Part Properties". But I don't know where this is to be found? When I look in the Musescore handbook, it simply says "RIght-click on a staff and select Staff/Change Properties". But this option does not appear. What am I missing? Thank you for any help.


Right click onto an empty part of a staff (or onto the instrument name) and you should see "Staff/Part Properties" in the drop-down list.

In reply to by pridmorehelen

" I do not see “Staff/Part Properties” on any drop-down menu"

That's because it isn't on any of the main menus at the top. You access Staff/Part Properties by a right-click on the relevant staff, and then choose from the popup menu. Read again the original reply from @jm6stringer.

In reply to by DanielR

Thank you, DanielR. However, I do not find a popup menu either, despite reading carefully the original reply from @jms6stringer. I don't see Staff/Part Properties on either drop-down menus, or pop-up menus. Thank you for your help; I have found another way to do what I wish to do on my score. Have a good day.

In reply to by DanielR

Yes, but are still trying to figure out just what the OP is trying to do. Where are they clicking? How and why? Some people use terms differently. Bar. Measure. Staff. Aren't universal to someone new. My music Ed degree never used the term Volta. Nor did we deal with whatever a quaver is. None of these terms are used in printed music.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you all. If I'm the "OP", I appreciate all your suggestions. None so far have worked, but nonetheless I have found a different solution to my issue. I'm fairly well acquainted with musical terms, since I have a doctorate in music and have taught at the university level for some years. Thank you again and I wish you all a pleasant day.

In reply to by underquark

Certainly! Thank you for asking. In the voice/piano score I am working on, I wanted to have a section without the piano staves (so, voice alone). To do this, I went to "edit", then "select instruments", then I made the piano staves invisible by un-checking "piano". Again, my thanks to everyone for their help.

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