
• Jun 13, 2023 - 05:11


None of us can access your computer files. You will have to search for yourself. How exactly depends on your operating system, which you didn't name.

If you saved the file, then it is in the score directory. Navigate to this directory with your file manager; in Windows it will be found e.g. under "C:[YourUsername]\Documents\MuseScoreX\Scores". (X = Musescore version)

If you have deleted a file in the file manager, it will probably be found in the recycle bin.
But if you have never saved it, then the work is lost.

Can you share with us more details about what happened?

Which operating system? Where were the files before they got deleted?

MuseScore never ever deletes any of your files. If you saved a score to your computer, then it is absolutely positively still there on your compute,r in the same folder you saved it to. You just need to remember the exact location of that folder. If you can't recall, then just do a full search of your entire drive for all files ending in ".mscz".

In reply to by blazeboi9175

Assuming you saved your files, shutting down your computer with MuseScore open should not be a problem at all. You’ll lose whatever work you did since the last save obviously - presumably that would be the whole point of not saving again , because the work you did was not something you wanted to save. But the work you saved is preserved when you shut down your computer.

As for corruption, indeed, this can happen occasionally. But it’s almost always fixable. See for instance There is also a backup of your previous save for cases where the main file itself becomes unreadable (like if you shut down your computer in the middle of a save).

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