Maybe for MuseScore 4.2?
Could they add a feature that allows you to use the sounds from previous versions of MuseScore? Could they add a feature to allow you to deaden the sound of an instrument, as in make it peter off faster so the actual sound, not the reverb, takes less time to die off? Could they add all of the instruments from MuseScore 3 to MuseScore 4? Could they add a drum machine sound.
you can change the sound from Muse Sounds to the muse score 3 sounds with the MS Basic function in the basic under the "sound font" option
In reply to you can change the sound… by ikesike
What do you mean? It only says MS Basic.
In reply to What do you mean? It only… by beniegenie
I think what you are looking for is the way the mixer allowed you to change sounds. I have been advised this will re-appear in Musescore 4 at some point, but there is no assurance (that I have seen,) of when that will happen.
In reply to I think what you are looking… by Chuck Bermingham
The reason I would like these features is because of instances like this:
Haunt Muskie (Minecraft) - Full Accurate Transcription by The Ultimate Music Man
Listen to page 28, measure 55, the electric drum.
MuseScore 4 replaces that with the percussion synthesizer. Please look in the same place in the file attachment.
In reply to The reason I would like… by beniegenie
Are you still going to fix the soundfont list according to how you have offered in the past? This fix not only puts all the soundfonts in a big list; it also lists them in a hodgepodge. The 3.6.2 list was at least sorted by soundfont.
I'm hoping this is a temporary fix.
In reply to Are you still going to fix… by Chuck Bermingham
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I did not arrange the score up there if that's what you're talking about.
In reply to I'm not sure what you're… by beniegenie
My error, I was directing the question to Marc Sabatella and other developers.
Marc's work is helpful, and I commend him for that. I will wait until I see the changes that are supposed to appear in the mixer with regard to soundfonts. It didn't happen in version 4.1, and I hope it will happen soon.
In reply to My error, I was directing… by Chuck Bermingham
The workaround for selecting sounds is to split the soundfont, as mentioned. The controls to select sounds within an old-style "monolithic" soundfont are being worked on. The more time we spend answering ":are we there yet", the less time we have to work on things :-)
In reply to My error, I was directing… by Chuck Bermingham
I opened a feature request for this in GitHub, but it was closed because it was unplanned.
In reply to I opened a feature request… by beniegenie
If by "this" you mean, ability to select a specific sound from with a soundfont without needing to install it as separate files (which totally works meanwhile), it was closed only because it's a duplicate and already being worked on. These get listed as "not planned" only because the GitHub issue tracker is very limited and doesn't provide a status like "duplicate" to make this more clear, but normally when closing something as not planned, there should also be a comment explaining the real reason for closing it is that it is a duplicate.
In reply to If by "this" you mean,… by Marc Sabatella
Ah. By this I meant this discussion. I also thought of the perfect update. Accelerandos and Rits. (I can't spell that) You could make it so that the acts like crescendos and diminuendos so that when you have a tempo at the end, it automatically slows down or speeds up to the written tempo, which prevents you from having to do it and properties.
To use the previous version's instrument sounds, along with the ability to change each sound to a different one, download the file available here:…
It will allow you to change the sound(s) of the instrument(s) in MuseScore 4 by using the Mixer - just like in MuseScore 3.
MS Basic in MU4 is the same as MuseScore General in MU3. Only the effects are different. And in a major improvement over MU3, you can customize the amount of reverb per instrument instead of only globally.
Not sure what you mean by "drum machine sound". A soundfont is a drum machine :-)
In reply to MS Basic in MU4 is the same… by Marc Sabatella
It'd be nice if you could have the sounds that people get with real drum machines as a part of musescore.
In reply to It'd be nice if you could… by beniegenie
But that's just it - you already are getting the sound of a drum machine. Is there a specific drum machine you are wanting? You just need a soundfont that provides this. MS Basic comes with several drumkits already, so be sure to check out the split version I created (see a previous post here for a link).
In reply to But that's just it - you… by Marc Sabatella
don't want to use soundfonts, but there are certain sounds I like. However, I don't want a particular sound, but it would be nice to have more sounds for MS 4 than there are for MS 3 as opposed to fewer.
In reply to don't want to use soundfonts… by beniegenie
There are tons more sounds available in MU4 than MU3 - not just Soundfonts, but also Muse Sounds and VST instruments.
In reply to There are tons more sounds… by Marc Sabatella
What happened to sounds like the helicopter?
In reply to What happened to sounds like… by beniegenie
Still there in MS Basic, just waiting for you to it into Sforzando as explained previously or use the split version of the soundfont I posted earlier.
In reply to Still there in MS Basic,… by Marc Sabatella
I'm using your soundfont. However I'm not sure what you mean about Sforzando.
In reply to I'm using your soundfont… by beniegenie
Sforzando is a VST that can load soundfonts for you. I thought it had been mentioned before in this thread but I guess not. Anyhow, it’s another option. But if you’re using my ZIP file, then you already have access to all the same sounds as MU3. And as mentioned, the ability to select sounds with monolithic single-file Soundfonts is coming back in the next major update.
In reply to Sforzando is a VST that can… by Marc Sabatella
In reply to MS Basic in MU4 is the same… by Marc Sabatella
hmm.... well, for me, the piano in MS4 sounds like a harpsichord, and in MS3 is much more pianolike... I'd love to know how the ADSR envelope has been programmed in each one :)
I second this -- not a fan of the new MS4 piano sounds, and the reverb does seem a bit weird, so it would be cool to see a difference between MS3 and 4 in there. BUT -- one cool thing I noticed is that in the mixer view it's super easy to use VSTs (and presets)! HALion just popped right up, was already loaded into the sound list when I checked the menu, which is a super cool feature.
In reply to I second this -- not a fan… by laelume
Do you mean the Muse Sounds grand piano? I find it better than any soundfont but not hugely so. If for whatever reason you prefer the MU3 soundfont, just switch to it for that channel in the Mixer (“MS Basic”).