Inserting bars with different time signatures

• Sep 5, 2023 - 09:47

Hi... I'm a longtime Sibelius/Finale user looking to transition to MuseScore but can't seem to find one very basic option: To copy bars from one part of a score (with their contents) and to INSERT these into another part of a score. The manual makes no reference to this basic behavior ( and the only way i can seem to make this happen is to manually add the necessary blank bars replete with any time sig changes and then paste into these.
Sibelius manages this process within about 2-3 seconds by providing a select bar option (as opposed to select contents of bar) and so copies the complete bar (single stave or multiple orchestral staves) ready to be pasted INTO a new location (not OVER).
have i missed a trick here or is this not implemented in MuseScore?


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