MuseScore 4 failing to save or publish to the cloud

• May 17, 2023 - 14:20

Just a minute ago I tried to save my saxophone sonata's first movement to, and it said that it was unable to save. I remember that yesterday, while looking for a file in finder, I came across something that seemed to have to do with the MuseScore editor connecting to the internet in order to save files online. And of course, I was curious and tried to open it using MuseScore (Of Course -- wait. Why did I even do that?)
Now, ACTUALLY "of course", it said that MuseScore was unable to open the file. I am wondering whether these two things have anything to do with each other, and how to fix this problem whether they do or don't.

Attachment Size
Sonata in F major for Saxophone.mscz 72.13 KB


What exactly goes wrong when you try to open the file you attached? Works fine for me in 4.0.2. Maybe you're trying to open it in MU3? That won't work indeed.

In reply to by Asher S.

Yes, but you said it won't even open. I'm guessing you were trying to publish a file that was corrupted and that is why it wouldn't publish - the error message should have reported that - and that would also be why you got the same error trying to open it later. But the file you actually attached here has no such problem, so maybe you attached the wrong file?

In reply to by Asher S.

As I pointed out earlier, this is probably because you're working on a different copy of the file. The version you were working before was probably corrupt and that is why you got the error both on upload and on open; the the version you are looking at now is not corrupt and that is why neither of these operations produce errors.

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