Reverse Final Bar Line as start of stave
I can't see to figure out how to have a reverse final barline (heavy-light) at the start of a stave - if I select the first measure and try to add the bar line it puts it on the right instead of the left.
Anyone have any ideas?
Go to Format -> Style -> Barlines. Activate "Barline at start of single staff". You will get a normal barline at the beginning.
Select it and go to the properties of this barline and select the style "Reverse final barline".
In reply to Go to Format -> Style ->… by HildeK
That sort of works but it then shows a bar line on left of every stave which is unnecessary. It also isn't consistent with having a start repeat barline which does not require the style setting to be changed.
I'm actually importing from MusicXML and no amount of tweaking the XML to show this barline works. It seems like a bug/lack of capability to me for something which is such a simple requirement.
In reply to That sort of works but it… by potter_kirk
Might try HildeK's suggestion and then turn off the barline's "Span" setting: select the top barline, go to Properties and disable the "Span to next staff". If that's not what you're trying for, providing a sample of what you want would be helpful. This is definitely not a marking that I'm familiar with.
Why do you want a heavy-light double bar line at the start of the stave? I can't find any examples of scores that use one. Also there is no mention of that usage in Elaine Gould's "Behind Bars". Do you have an example from a published score that shows this?
Or are you perhaps thinking of the brace or bracket that is used to link groups of staves like this?
This is usually found only on groups of two or more instruments or on two staves used in a single instrument (e.g. piano), very occasionally I have seen this on a single stave. The brace and variants of it can be found in the Brackets pallet