Plugin chord identifier
Hi I'm using musescore v4 and have added the above plugin however it's not working, no chords appear in my score.
Hi I'm using musescore v4 and have added the above plugin however it's not working, no chords appear in my score.
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Which of them? There's (Mu3 only, so far), (Mu3 and Mu4) and (Mu3 and Mu4)
In reply to Which of them? There's https… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi Jojo, I've tried all three with no resulting chords produced. Hope you can help, I'm new to musescore so it could easily be something that I've done or not!
regards, John
In reply to Hi Jojo, I've tried all… by boscaceol
As said: the 1st hasn't been ported to Mu4, so won't work, but crash instead
In reply to Hi Jojo, I've tried all… by boscaceol
What have you tried with the 2nd and 3rd, what didn't work?
In reply to What have you tried with the… by Jojo-Schmitz
I downloaded the two plugins that were for ok for v4, I enabled them in manage plugins, I opened a score that had no chords and ran them both, I didn’t get any errors just nothing happened (I also tried the v3 plugin and got the same results).
In reply to I downloaded the two plugins… by boscaceol
Try contacing the authors
In reply to Try contacing the authors by Jojo-Schmitz
As does
In reply to I downloaded the two plugins… by boscaceol works for me
In reply to… by Jojo-Schmitz
maybe Realize Chord symbols
In reply to I downloaded the two plugins… by boscaceol
You write: "I opened a score that had no chords". That makes me think you should read
The chord identifier does not 'generate' chords, only names existing ones.
In reply to You write: "I opened a score… by elsewhere
Thank you for confirming that, I had that thought after I had re-looked at a youtube video and saw the bass line.
Hallo, hänge mich hir mal an.
Musescore 4.2.1
Download ins Plugin Verzeichnis. Entpackt.
SOweit alles gut.
Musescore started.
Plugin aktivated.
Akkorde in Partitur markiert
Plugin versucht zu starten, Musescore crashed.
Im Pluginmanager steht, nach anlicken des PluginIcons, folgender Text siehe attachment.
Sowas hab ich bei anderen Plugins noch nicht gesehen, vielleicht hat jemand eine Idee.
Danke Wolfgang
In reply to Hallo, hänge mich hir mal an… by wolsch
Which of the 3 plugins I listed in the 1st reply are you using?
Note: not all are compatible with Mu4 (yet)
Open the qml file in an editor, search for "
", remove the "Qt.
" part, restart MuseScore and try againIn reply to Which of the 3 plugins I… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hallo jojo-Schmitz
chordIdentifierPopJazz nutze ich.
Nach entfernen des Qt. Teils in der chordIdentifierPopJazz.qml scheint es auch zu funktionieren.
In reply to Hallo jojo-Schmitz… by wolsch
OK, I see, you took it from GitHub. not directly the .qml file from the plugin repositors on
On GitHub the author hasn't yet accepted my PR,
In reply to OK, I see, you took it from… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hallo jojo-Schmitz
habe mir die unterschiede der Dateien mal angeschaut. Ich wusste gar nicht das da Unterschiede bestehen. Vielleicht wär es didaktisch besser auf den Link zur bearbeiteten Musescore Plugin datei besonders hinzuweisen. Ich weiß gar nicht mal mehr ob ich bis ans Ende runtergescrollt hatte.
In reply to Hallo jojo-Schmitz habe mir… by wolsch
Right, done
I second this. I installed the jazz plugin for musescore 4, current installed musescore version is 4.4.4.
I found the plugin, activated it, I can chose it from the list, a popup appears which is empty (white).
Same for the "original" chord plugin (tried that, too)
In reply to I second this. I installed… by Dgamar
Same here. For multitude of plugins I get an empty window where previously (before update from 4.4.1 etc) I got a window with options. I also see 4 instances of chordIdentifierPopJazz, with one greyed out in the menu.
started new bug report: "Plugins show empty interaction window, and manager shows multiple instances of one plugin."
In reply to Same here. For multitude of… by Florissimo
It looks like you posted your bug report in the wrong place, namely HERE! I don't have the URL (can someone else help with that?), but you need to report this on github.