Prevent measure duration from automatically extending

• May 5, 2024 - 19:36

When I'm trying to add notes into a measure, it will extend the measure duration and I have to manually go into the measure properties to make the actual duration match the nominal duration. It takes a lot of time and I would like to not have the actual duration from ever extending in the first place.

How do I do that?



In reply to by TheHutch

Thank you I looked at the article again and found what I was looking for, I don't know how I forgot after successfully fixing it last time.

I see I had to click the pencil icon and select another mode other than input.
But I'm not exactly sure how I even got there in the first place, as there doesn't seem to be a keyboard shortcut to accidentally get there, and I never clicked the pencil before.

In reply to by Aubrey Qian

If you are talking about xml files, then you have probably imported from OMR software, right?
It has to be said: OMR (Optical Music Recognition) is not perfect, and it often happens that some measures are too short or too long - for example, if the flag of an eighth note is not recognized, the measure is then an eighth too long.

It has to be said: OMR (Optical Music Recognition) is not perfect, and it often happens that some measures are too short or too long - for example, if the flag of an eighth note is not recognized, the measure is then an eighth too long.

When you start a new score and press 'N', the default mode is the Step Time mode, unless you have previously selected one of the other modes. And it does not happen that you get measures that are too long or too short. Unless you want this explicitly and use the corresponding commands.

In reply to by Aubrey Qian

No, changing applications is definitely not the reason why MuS toggles on input mode. Not even vaguely possible.

In another thread, we discovered that this can happen by the user pressing Ctrl+I (letter "i"). If someone tried to make text italic with Ctrl+I (which works in many applications ), they would turn on Input mode and perhaps not realize it for a period.

There might be other ways it could happen, but I'm quite certain that switching applications (in any fashion) would not be among them.

In reply to by TheHutch

I though that was the case because when I've converted between different notation softwares, plus signs popped up on some measures, indicating that the nominal measure length does not equal the actual length.

Plus signs pop up when you enter input mode from what I've observed.

Putting those two together I came up with that conclusion.

In reply to by Aubrey Qian

Ahh! That is because MuS has interpreted something incorrectly from the other format and put more notes into a measure than fit the notated duration. You can explicitly include more notes than the measure allows (by intentionally going into Input mode, that's what it's for; imagine, for example, a cadenza). But having done so from another application won't turn on Insert mode.

In reply to by TheHutch

Ok so when I import something from another software it might extend the measure accidentally through misreading.

But to solve the problem I long-clicked the pencil icon and clicked on step mode. This makes me think that for the measure with the issue, it might have caused it to enter insert mode only for that measure? Because the other measures were normal.

Either way, the solution I've found was the same whether I imported from another software or it arose on its own from a score I started on MuseScore.

In reply to by Aubrey Qian

> Ok so when I import something from another software it might extend the measure accidentally through misreading
Normally this should not happen if the XML file was created by another notation program. Provided it was written correctly there!

However, measures that are too long or too short often happen when using an OMR program (OMR = optical music recognition), i.e. when importing a PDF file. Their output is usually also an XML file.
Here it happens that, for example, the flag of an eighth note or a triplet is not recognized. And then the measure is longer than it should be ...
Similar errors lead to measures that are too short, for example when a rest or a note is not recognized. This would be a reason to use the insert mode to correct such an error.

In reply to by SteveBlower

No problem! Actually, I should have realized from the indentation that you weren't referring to my reply - my bad, it actually had me confused and it's not your fault. And since your post came shortly after mine, that didn't make the attribution any easier :-)
Yes, the forum software could be better on this point. In another forum, posts are organized strictly by time and a simple quote function is implemented (select a sentence - press quote). Unfortunately not all do, but then it's not an improvement.

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