Fullscreen mode at musescore.com is broken. It shows small sheets and huge padding taking almost third of height

• May 11, 2024 - 07:45

Hello. Few weeks ago I was going to play piano, opened musescore.com, after pressing "Toggle Fullscreen" button noticed scores appears small, and page has huge empty space. Zooming in browser does not help.
I checked it with Firefox 115 on MacOS and Google chrome on chromeos and I got the same behaviour.
Before music sheet had height of full screen.
It can be fixed easily in developers tools by tweaking styles, but this solution is not for everyday using.

I would like to ask developers to fix this issue because it's really makes musescore.com useless for using as sheet for playing music if you don't use TV as screen not have eagle's sight

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2024-05-11 at 13.31.17.png 526.8 KB


Good morning! Were you able to get a fix or did Musecore answer your complaint? I have the same issue and I'm ready to terminate my membership. If you noticed, it is almost like they created this issue on purpose. Why? Because the fix is to download the piece, which rakes in more money for them. The piece that I wanted to download was $15.00!

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