muse sounds

• May 23, 2024 - 12:05

I have downloaded the muse sounds to a specific location.
In the playback mixer i can not select the muse Sounds


In reply to by bobjp

I did, but the player does not reconize that place. it is on another drive. This drive is accessable to all users. It is even mounted at start up of the linux system.
I think for now it is not possible to put the big sound files on another drive if you have not enough space on the drive that holds the executable file. I use the appImage file on linux, so no real install of MuseScore.

In reply to by germona

Sure it is possible.
It is always a good idea to check the logfile, located ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/
May we assume the musesampler library is recognized by MS? Check Diagnotiscs => Muse Sampler => Check Muse Sampler
The location of the instruments is defined in
Relevant errors should be visible in the logfile.

In reply to by graffesmusic

I have the MuseScore-Studio-Nightly-241430305-master-158f3e7-x86_64 appImage on my download location.
I have checked the diagnostics, it says Muse Sampler Library's found, version 0.6.3.
But I have no directory /home/.local/share/MuseSampler.
The ...home/.local/share only holds the MuseScore folder, within that the versions MuseScore3, MuseScore4 and MuseScore4Development folders.
Thanks for the help so far, i really appreciate that.

In reply to by germona

And there is no error in the logfile?
Troubleshooting anything starts with gathering information.
Why are you running a nightly build?
With a nightly build, the logs are in ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4Development/logs/
is the "Sounds Install location" correct in Muse Sounds Manager?

In reply to by graffesmusic

In a previous forum, someone said that MuseScore does not support the option to put the Muse Sound files in another folder or drive, than that where Muse Hub puts them, which on linux is /srv/muse-hub/downloads/Instruments/.
But in the nightly build (and in MuseScore4) i can choose the location where the sounds will be stored, and it does.
So my Muse Sound files are stored on a different harddrive which is mouted by fstab accessable by all users at startup of the system, which is Manjaro Linux.

So if i can tell the MuseSampler that he has to look for the MuseSounds in that location everything would be OK.

I have posted the log file as .txt in attachement. There are a lot of errors, but it's way over my head, to know what is really wrong.
If you could take a look that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time so far.

Attachment Size
MuseScore_240525_220040.txt 18.84 KB

In reply to by germona

So where exactly in the the nightly build can you choose the location of the sounds?
Looking at your log, i see:

2024-05-25T22:00:40.613 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: /home/jean/.local/share/MuseSampler/lib/
2024-05-25T22:00:40.613 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring

2024-05-25T22:00:41.999 | ERROR | main_thread | ExtensionsConfiguration::manifestConfigs | failed read config data, err: [406] Er is een fout opgetreden bij het lezen van het bestand, file: /media/jean/museSounds/Muse Hub Downloads/Instruments//config.json

A bit of an enigma: the library cannot be loaded but MS reports 0.6.3.
Anyway, there is a problem with musesounds configuration.

If possible, i would (re)install Muse Sounds Manager from the download page.
Muse Sounds Manager is available as a debian and rpm package.
I ignore if Manjaro linux can use any of these. (if you have a x86 based system). These will of course not work for Arm based systems.
In Muse Sounds Manager, one can specify the location of the sounds:

In reply to by graffesmusic

I did not know that Muse Sound Manager existed. On linux i don't think we can download and install MuseScore and MuseSounds from the same Muse Hub program.
I just have the MuseScore AppImage and from MuseHub i can say where the Muse Sound files wil be stored, see attachement.
But for some reason MuseScore Sampler does not look there.
That the MuseSounds exist on the drive (museSounds) i created and mounted you can see in the attached file MuseSounds_Drive.
I will have a go and try to download Muse Sounds Manager for my system.

Thanks a lot.

Attachment Size
MuseHub.jpg 42.94 KB
MuseSounds_Drive.jpg 53.49 KB

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