Audio Glitching On Musescore 4

• Feb 11, 2023 - 13:00

Can someone help me on that? always when i play a sheet music and for some reason the audio its just lagging. I dont know how to fix this...


Just here to add that the audio performance in Musescore is not all that I'd hope. If I use the soft piano muse sound, it will often stutter. I can increase the buffer but not if I use reaper simultaneously. Since I need to have reaper open to transcribe songs, I hope you can develop this app so it's not struggling when more than one music app is open. Today it made reaper totally glitch out (slow playback like some kind of sample rate mismatch but also reaper wouldn't update its buffer setting while musescore was open. Maybe because I switched the buffer while MS was open and it didn't like that? idk.) Thanks.

In reply to by Hexspa

V 4.3.2 completely removed the sounds I was using in a score and prevented me from adding new ones. Moving to lilypond or anything else. Plus uninstalling muscore was not straightforward. An uninstall is best when it's one click or one folder. There were several folders in my system that the uninstall function in windows did not delete. This is not entirely unheard of but it is not necessary and I see it as an area for improvement. I will install musescore one more time to finish this current project but then possibly never again.

Good luck to the musescore team. Maybe in v5 or 6 but certainly not now. Though I'm sure many people use it without issue, I've found it to be problem after problem in my use case. Thanks.

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