Keeping notes about a score

• Dec 18, 2019 - 06:52

Is there a way to keep a list of notes about a score, associated to the score itself?

For example, when I'm working on an arrangement, there's often a "to do" list of things I want to fix up or change. Currently I keep these as a separate text file alongside the score. Having these notes as part of the actual score file itself, and being able to refer back to it whilst I'm working on the score would be really useful. It would also help them not get lost ;-)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I had the exact same question. A TEXT FRAME isn't a good solution because it's visible ONLY when working in Page View. What would be really good would be a TEXT FILE which stays ATTACHED to the score, but doesn't become PART of the score. But, hey, I suppose you're just a user like me. Anyway ... I'll get out of your way now.

This probably wouldn't work for your "to do" list, but I picked up a tip on these forums recently that I started using, the Copyright field in Score Properties. That would display at the bottom of the first page of the score only. So for example, if I had notes on a song I wanted to share with an audience, when I bring up the score they are right there for quick reference.

In reply to by Clt2022

You don't say why you're not using the plugin that was suggested, but from what I can tell, it's probably overkill for what you need. if it's literally just one block of text you want, I think the Score Comments plugin is going to be better suited - see

But also, it's pretty darn simple to just create a text file yourself as you say you have been doing. This is a tried-and-true approach for all sorts of similar purposes and has some advantages over embedding the info into the score (one of which is, privacy).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc wrote ...just create a text file yourself. This is a tried-and-true approach for all sorts of similar purposes and has some advantages over embedding the info into the score (one of which is, privacy).

In contrast, another reason for an in-score Comment/Notes area would be the assurance that comments the author wants publicly known are transported with the score.

I'd sure like to see a Cooments/Notes area built into MuseScore. The one built into Apple Logic is quite helpful.

In reply to by Clt2022

Yes, and we already showed you where to find the documentation on how to install a plugin. You don’t do it by just double-clicking it; there is a specific produce to follow. But anyhow, I still recommend not bothering with that specific one and using the comments plugin instead.

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