Uneven playback in Musescore 4 on Mac

• Jul 10, 2024 - 04:15

Hi folks,

I have a new Mac Mini (M2, 16G) and am working with MuseScore 4 for the first time.

The playback is uneven to the point of being useless. Here's a link to a video of the problem.

Here's my version information:
OS: macOS 14.5, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.2-241630832, revision: 22b46f2

I'm also attaching the mscz file, but this problem occurs with any file, even some I've gotten from others who don't have this problem.


Attachment Size
Moldavskiy Dans.mscz 58.76 KB


Hopefully a Mac person will come along to help. In the meantime try these things. In MuseScore, go to Help and select Restore Factory Defaults. And Go To Edit>Preferences>I/O and change the buffer to 4096.

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