German translation of the descriptions of the instruments

• Jul 20, 2024 - 20:00

I suggest to translate the description "Oboe in E, sounding a minor third above the standard oboe. Historically called the oboe musette." as "Oboe in Es, eine kleine Terz über der Standardoboe, früher Musette genannt.", the description "Oboe in A, sounding a minor third below the standard oboe." as "Oboe in A, eine kleine Terz unter der Standardoboe.", the description "Oboe in F, sounding a perfect fifth below the standard oboe." as "Oboe in F, eine Quinte unter der Standardoboe.", the description "Oboe in C, sounding an octave lower than the standard oboe. Similar, but not identical to, the heckelphone." as "Oboe in C, eine Oktave unter der Standardoboe, ähnlich dem Heckelphon.", the description "Oboe in C, sounding an octave lower than the standard oboe. Similar, but not identical to, the bass oboe." as "Oboe in C, eine Oktave unter der Standardoboe, ähnlich der Baritonoboe.".

I suggest to translate the description "Voice (unspecified type)." as "Stimme (unbestimmte Stimmlage).", the description "Women’s voices." as "Frauenstimmen.", the description "Men’s voices." as "Männerstimmen.".


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you.

I suggest to translate the long name as "Englischhorn" and the description as "Oboe in F, eine Quinte unter der Standardoboe.", the long name as "Baritonoboe" and the description as "Oboe in C, eine Oktave unter der Standardoboe, ähnlich dem Heckelphon.", the long name as "Heckelphon" and the description as "Oboe in C, eine Oktave unter der Standardoboe, ähnlich der Baritonoboe.".

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you.

I suggest to translate the long name as "Englischhorn" and the description as "Oboe in F, eine Quinte unter der Standardoboe.", the long name as "Baritonoboe" and the description as "Oboe in C, eine Oktave unter der Standardoboe, ähnlich dem Heckelphon." since the english description is shorter and the current translation is cut off due to the length.

In reply to by string quartet

Done the first, leaving the last. The English text is longer than the German one

Oboe in C, sounding an octave lower than the standard oboe. Similar, but not identical to, the heckelphone.
Oboe in C, eine Oktave unter der Standardoboe, ähnlich dem Heckelphon, entspricht der englischen Bassoboe.

If the text is cut off, that'd be worth a bug report on GitHub

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