Accidental spacing

• Aug 12, 2024 - 00:22

In the attached score for the "Chord Symbol" the flat ("b") is spaced too far from the "E" and the "A." How do I make it closer?

Attachment Size
Now Thank We All Our God.mscz 32.86 KB


You think Now_Thank_We_All_Our_God.png is too far?

EdIt: I see, in Mu4 it is Screenshot 2024-08-12 092404.png

The 1st images was taken from MuseScore 3.7 Evolution, the 2nd from MuseScore 4.3.2

However: don't take Arial as the font, but Edwin, Free Serif or Free Sans, here using the latter: Screenshot 2024-08-12 092729.png

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