I want to export my charts in such a way that every verse\chorus\C PART will be at the beginning of the line, and it doesn't work And when I find the channels, everything gets confused and it doesn't sit neatly Can anyone advise me what to do? What an ama

• Sep 6, 2024 - 14:07

I want to export my charts in such a way that every verse\chorus\C PART will be at the beginning of the line, I build several instruments on the same chart.
And when I find the channels, everything gets confused and it doesn't sit neatly
Can anyone advise me what to do?
What an amazing community of support there is here! love you guys


I suspect that you need the Layout palette and its System Break tool.

If that doesnt' help, provide an example of what your charts look like now. Attach the .MSCZ file so that we can see exactly what's going on. Try to provide an example of what you want it to look like too. Even if it has to be a photo of a printed score.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "channels", so I don't know how to advice you on that.

In reply to by TheHutch

First of all, thank you very much for the answer
Appreciate it very much
I don't know the tools you mentioned above...
Can you tell me where to find them?
I will attach a picture of what it looks like and how I want it to look
So that you can understand which file everything is, I will indicate the name of the file

Attachment Size
That's how I want it to look.png 74.79 KB
That's how it looks.png 82.69 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

English is not my language and I can't understand from the guide's translation
I found the place of the layout, I tried to do as I see fit and it doesn't work.
Where should I click to determine that the box will stay in place according to the size I set for it, and everything will come out in order?
I am attaching the picture in the file

Attachment Size
צילום מסך 2024-09-08 004921.png 5.42 KB

In reply to by efratmanmusic

Click on the measure that you want to be the last measure on a system. With that measure highlighted, click the left-most button on that image. This will place that symbol above the measure (don't worry, it doesn't print) and the score will ALWAYS put a line break at this point. You can think of this as being like the "line break" character in a word processor. The words may break at any point if the line gets too long, but they will ALWAYS break at this point, even if the system before is only a single measure.

The second button in that image (the one that looks like a piece of paper) is the page break. Just like the page break symbol in a word processor, MuseScore will ALWAYS put a page break at this point.

The third button (the backwards letter "C", poor description, I know) is a section break. This doesn't have a great analogy in a word processor. You will use this section if you have two songs in one script file ... or two movements from a larger work. This will give a line break (if you ALSO want a page break, you must add it explicitly) and it will start over as if you were at the beginning of the score. The first system will be indented. The score will show the "Long Name" of each instrument. Measure numbering will start over at "1".

The fourth button (with the vaguely star-shaped icon) is used to "Group Measures". If you select three (or 12 or 100) measures and click this button they will NEVER be broken by new lines. Obviously 12 or 100 measures in one system are going to be unreadable, so you will generally use this button to group ~4-8 measures.

Play with these tools!!! Put whole notes in measures and see how they space themselves. Then put quarter notes and eighth and sixteenth notes into the same measures and see how they line up automatically. Then try using the line break tool and the group measures tool and see how that changes the automatic behavior.

Good luck!!!

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