PDF to Musescore

• Sep 8, 2024 - 21:54

I know this is an elementary question, but I want to load a pdf score that the built-in Musescore pdf reader won't accept. How do I transform a pdf into a file that musescore can read?


The application that the MuS webpage uses is apparently an old version of Audiveris. I've heard reports that getting the current version of Audiveris and running it locally on your computer will give much better results. There are also other applications that give much better results than that webpage.

But generally, I agree with Jojo: just enter it manually.

Not an elementary question at all. As you found out, the quality of the PDF makes a difference. Sometimes the original is too light to be read properly. I use Cute PDF Writer to correct PDFs. No PDF conversion is foolproof. But for those of us who aren't in the least bit interested in manual input, it is a good start.

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