Bar Properties (actual) corrupting the file

• Sep 9, 2024 - 13:06

A new problem, that was always OK till updating MuseScore very recently. I am very familiar with this operation.

I am entering sections of folk dance tunes in 6/8. The final bar of a section is in this case 5 eighth notes (quavers). Changing the number of actual beats in that bar went OK (see screenshot) (although two lines higher I had to use a workaround for the same problem). The next bar needs to be one eighth note (quaver). When I choose this in the dialog, I get 2 or 3 eighth rests, never 1. If I try to save, it says the file is corrupt.

I can do a workaround with hidden time signatures, but it would be great to have this fixed.

OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.1-242490810, revision: 0b3dd00

Attachment Size
Bar Properties corrupting.jpg 184.51 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

One point to underline: corruption occurs if the two measures are on 2 systems. It does not occur within the same system.

It seems that the workaround is to first modify the duration of the measure at the beginning of a system (eg. 1/8), then that which ends the previous system (5/8)

In reply to by cadiz1

Cadiz1, that's really fantastic, your workaround worked just fine! I would never have come up with the idea of adjusting the bar durations in reverse order. I have no idea why that would work, but it does. I suspect you have an insight into how the program works, which I totally lack!

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