Update from 4.3 to 4.4 on chromebook

• Sep 10, 2024 - 13:22

I'm trying to update musescore so I can get the new drum line sounds but I keep getting the same error message.

findlib: libjack.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/home/spencerdylan855/MuseScore-Studio- Using fallback for library 'libjack.so.0'
/tmp/.mount_MuseScNqnTsx/bin/mscore4portable: error while loading shared libraries: libOpenGL.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

does anyone know what this means


This means that libOpenGL.so.0 is not found on your system, nor in the AppImage. Based on what I find on the internet, it might work to install it by running

sudo apt install libopengl0 -y

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