Noteheads in tab changed in 4.4.x

• Sep 20, 2024 - 01:13

In either 4.4.2 or 4.4.1 I found that if I have only a tab staff present I cannot select the parentheses notehead eg (5) unless I have a linked clef (shown or unshown, doesn't seem to make a difference). This did previously work for only tab staff.

I also noticed that a cross notehead for tab is now a capital X instead of the previous more discrete lower case x. I could not find an option to change it back in the handbook, I prefer the less shouty x :-)

Thanks for any advice!


Agreed. Muted notes could simply "mention" their presence with a lowercase x. No need for the imposition of "shouting" uppercase Xs.

I'd suggest a simple "lowercase/uppercase mute notehead" toggle in a tablature panel ... which unfortunately will likely be the ever-growing Format>Style>Tablature panel.

In reply to by scorster

Thanks Scorster. I feel like I'm skirting around the edges of Musescore when it comes to tabs - like tabs are the imbecile cousin of scores, kinda welcome in the score family but, well...


It's such a brilliant piece of software, better than any of the other tabbing software, and I can use it for real scores too - so I make tabs work!

I've reverted to 4.3.2 which was the last non-shouty x notes and parentheses supported, I'll keep an eye out on the future changelogs.

Thanks again!

In reply to by yonah_ag

It's funny. Over the last few years, there's been a lot of complaining about the ridiculously small size of those “X ”s in the TAB staves. And now it's too shouty!?
As far as I can see, the default rendering is now more or less the same as in Guitar Pro, for example.

In reply to by cadiz1

Some people complained because it was too small; others didn't because it was OK for them. Now the people who found the original OK are finding the new one too large so it's their turn to complain.

Why not keep all the users happy with an option to set ghost note font style and size?

In reply to by yonah_ag

Ha ha, you nailed it. I prefer the small x. Perhaps I should write a list of the things I really like about tabs in Musescore to encourage them to not change? :-)

I also have my tab font set ridiculously big (nobody ever complained that text was too big to read) so the giant X really smacked me in the face.

In reply to by jasonwaddell

@jasonwaddell wrote

> I prefer the small x. I have my tab font set ridiculously big (nobody ever complained that text was too big to read) so the giant X really smacked me in the face.

I'll also note that the uppercase Xs look like a chain of diamonds on the inner strings. That could be optionally mitigated given the choice of sideways Xs (as we have by default in the normal staff.)

I have a workaround: set the ghost noteheads to small. Unfortunatley there doesn't seem to be an easy way to select all ghost noteheads to apply this en masse - but this may be possible via a plugin.


The size of the small notes can be controlled from the style settings:


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