MS3 Pan settings are LOST on opening score in MS 4.4.2

• Sep 24, 2024 - 19:17

When will it stop?

     • LEN properties are silently ignored in MS4
     • Velocities are intentionally flattened to 64 in MSS4.4.2
     • Measure Stretch is goofed
     • ...

And today I noticed that—when opening a perfectly healthy MS3 score—MSS4.4.2 "silently" changes all Pan settings to 0.

      MS3-7 Pan settings not importing to MS4.mscz

When scorists move toward adopting new releases of MuseScore we need our work/data respected and retained.

Better design and testing please. I'm feeling like a de facto alpha-beta-gamma tester. Maybe soon to be defector.



The retention of mixer settings is worse than I thought:

• Channel volumes also fail to make their way from MS3 to MSS 4.4.2

• MSS 4.4.2's None MuseFX Reverb mix settings don't seem to related to the MS3 reverb settings

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