Chord Symbol Conversion

• Mar 18, 2022 - 07:26

I would like to have a feature that automatically converts chord symbols to piano notation. I am a guitarist, so my charts use chord symbols. However, some piano players I work with only read traditional piano notation. For me to look up and input individual notes to build chords is very slow and cumbersome. A standard voicing conversion from chord symbol to piano notation would be a God-send. Thanks


In reply to by jooohnoo

The reason why plugins don't work in version 4.4.3 is because the developers changed the version of QML (the language that plugins are written) that MuS uses. In order to use a given plugin, its creator must perform an update so that it works under the new version of QML. Sometimes it's minor, other times a complete re-write. If you want to try re-writing them, go ahead. I'm sure that many people will cheer on such an endeavor. But at this point, until you, another user, or the original creator updates these plugins, the answer to your question is "no".

FYI: Usually best to start a new thread for a new question. Putting a new question in a thread, may get it overlooked. That's what threads are for: to separate one issue from another.

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