Putting the time signature above the staff (Workaround)
Is putting the time signature above the staff like in this example is possible ?
Is putting the time signature above the staff like in this example is possible ?
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In MuseScore 4.4.3 under Ubuntu this functions correctly.
Perhaps there is a better way to do that.
In the attached files you can see the result.
In reply to select the measure where you… by puggbma
Thanks for your suggestion. This would make the trick on a few occasion. In my example case, it didn't render nicely.
Simply moving above the staff let a huge gap (actually the place of the time signature).
And if I removed the Auto-place, then the time signatures just crash with the other elements. And the accidentals crashes with the barlines. And I failed to correct this though the format settings.
In reply to Thanks for your suggestion… by parkingb
I can not reproduce your Problem. I first select the 3/16, 2/16 and 7/16, then i press the "properties" field, and I uncheck the "auto-place" button, and finally I move up de time signatures to the position I need. After this operation nothing is collapsing. In your Gif, I see that you have Uncheck de field "auto-Place" after you have move the position of the signatures, maybe that is your problem!.
In reply to I can not reproduce your… by puggbma
I tried your way, and I've the same result as before... Strange.
In reply to I tried your way, and I've… by parkingb
I am very sorry, I was just trying to reproduce your problem again, but for me, it is impossible. Maybe if you add your example score ( xxxxx.mscz file), myself or some one else can help You to discover the problem.
In reply to I am very sorry, I was just… by puggbma
Thanks for having a look at it. Here is my test score...
In reply to Thanks for having a look at… by parkingb
Hi, I was making many tests with your score, and did not found any problem. I did not change anything on the parts.
I was testing 2 ways of getting the result: 1st. with "Auto-place= check" and 2nd. with "auto-place= uncheck".
1st trial : Auto-check = check.
1.- I select the signatures i want to move up. The "properties" tab opens and i see that "auto-place= check".
2. - I press the button "view" and then appears all the fields to move right/left and up/down . In the field "up/down" I write -6.5 and press the key enter. I see that the selected signatures move up and the symbol with the time also moves automatically up and the distance between the systems also become bigger.
3. - I press the left key of the mouse and the actual position of the signatures stay fix.
2nd. trial : Auto-check = uncheck.
This case is more complicated, because when I selected the signatures, they just jump to the left, then with "view" I must move them up , and then adjust them again to the right. In this case the Tempo Symbol and the distance between the system are not automatically move as required. Everything muss be adjusted manually.
As result : The 1st. trial should be used.
Maybe in your "score" or "page" settings there is something which do not allow the well function of this options.
I have enclosed the result o my test and the settings I have in "Score" and "Page". If you still have some problem maybe it is something related to your installation or OS.
I am sorry but I can not do more. I do not know how functions are programmed internally.
In reply to Thanks for having a look at… by parkingb
Hi, I was making many tests with your score, and did not found any problem. I did not change anything on the parts.
I was testing 2 ways of getting the result: 1st. with "Auto-place= check" and 2nd. with "auto-place= uncheck".
1st trial : Auto-check = check.
1.- I select the signatures i want to move up. The "properties" tab opens and i see that "auto-place= check".
2. - I press the button "view" and then appears all the fields to move right/left and up/down . In the field "up/down" I write -6.5 and press the key enter. I see that the selected signatures move up and the symbol with the time also moves automatically up and the distance between the systems also become bigger.
3. - I press the left key of the mouse and the actual position of the signatures stay fix.
2nd. trial : Auto-check = uncheck.
This case is more complicated, because when I selected the signatures, they just jump to the left, then with "view" I must move them up , and then adjust them again to the right. In this case the Tempo Symbol and the distance between the system are not automatically move as required. Everything muss be adjusted manually.
As result : The 1st. trial should be used.
Maybe in your "score" or "page" settings there is something which do not allow the well function of this options.
I have enclosed the result o my test and the settings I have in "Score" and "Page". If you still have some problem maybe it is something related to your installation or OS.
I am sorry but I can not do more. I do not know how functions are programmed internally.
In reply to Hi, I was making many tests… by puggbma
On your screen shot, you can observe what I'd like to avoid: a big gap between the barline and the first notes. The idea is to have the notes running fluidly between bars.
I will check the opportunity to have a Feature Request with this.
Thanks for trying !
In reply to On your screen shot, you can… by parkingb
Is this the idea?
I used "Local Time Signatures" in a way that they were not designed for. I [Ctrl][Shift] dragged a time signature to the bottom staff and made it invisible. I then dragged a time signature of the same duration to the upper staff. Then I fiddled about with vertical offset and leading space.
In reply to Is this the idea? [inline… by underquark
Hi Underquark, I’m not the OP, but I’m guessing your picture is still showing what he wants to avoid.
MuseScore is still allocating horizontal white space around the bar line just below the time signature.
The time signature being above the score shouldn’t take any horizontal space «in» the score.
In reply to Hi Underquark, I’m not the… by frfancha
"Is putting the time signature above the staff like in this example is possible ? "
Possible, wouldn't you agree?
Have you got any better ideas?
In reply to "Is putting the time… by underquark
I find the result pretty nice. A bit long to do, if you have many changes and my staves, because to have to ctrl-shift-drag a local time signature on every other staff for each change. But in the awaiting of it be it supported natively by MuseScore, this is the most good-looking approach. 👍
Thanks to all for your help !
> The time signature being above the score shouldn’t take any horizontal space «in» the score.
Not exactly true. Some space is still needed around the barline. Otherwise, the score will not be readable.
Actually, the space between the surrounding notes and the bar line, should be the one defined in the style sheet.
I have open a discussion about this being implemented as new feature in MuseScore. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts about how it should work.
Then, with all the input, I'll create a new Feature Request on GitHub.
In reply to I find the result pretty… by parkingb
I suspect that most any workaround is going to be fiddley. I had to uncheck auto place and use staff spacers. And drag stuff around. I suspect moving the time signatures would be among the last things to do to the score.
I created a feature request Add an option for putting the time signatures on top of the score on Github for this.