PDF downloads only? You kidding?

• Oct 31, 2024 - 16:10

Sorry, folks.

But when I search for Sheet Music at the top of the MuseScore, the responses (for Sound of Silence, at least) take me to MuseScore.com, where they ONLY provide PDFs. I guess that's understandable, but I need a version I can transpose that has both vocal parts--to create a version we can actually sing!

I don't mind paying for such a score--especially when the proceeds are shared with the artist, as the Hal Leonard version seems to be. When I'm doing it often enough, I'll even pay for a subscription. But what's the point, if all I can get is a PDF??

(I've tried the PDF conversion option in the past. Very spotty results -- as in "converted a spot here, a spot there, and joined them all together. So still clearly a beta effort.)

Is there an option I'm missing?


In reply to by SteveBlower

Were it not for the fact that is Musescore.ORG that gave me a search result that took me to Musescore.com, I would not be mentioning it here.

And in fact, I did talk to the .com folks. They said they only download PDFs, not Musescore files, for copyright reasons--which is why I said it's understandable.

When I went to .org I wanted to see what was available in Musescore format.
I can do a search for a PDF score on my own.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Really good to know.
What I really wanted to know is what is available in one of the other formats.

There are pages of Sound of Silence PDFs on the .com site.,
only a couple of which could be construed as "official".

I didn't see an option to filter out PDFs from the search results.
Did I miss something??

In reply to by TheHutch

Musescore.org has "Search for Sheet Music" right at the top of every page, including this one.
As yonah_ag pointed out in a comment below, "The search box at the top of the page adds to the confusion between the .org and .com sites".

If it finds Musescore-format files, then it is a good thing. If it only points to .com PDFs, it effectively erases any distinction between the .com and .org sites.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Yeah. That was the easy part. Found a couple with exactly what I need: vocal duet.

But ALL you can download from the .com site are PDFs.

Talked to their support, friendly fellow explained that it's by design.
(Copyright restrictions or some such. Can't say I understood, but it sounded good.)

Hard to transpose a PDF unless you're really good writing a score!
Hence the search for anything other than a PDF -- a search that ought to be possible
at the .org site. (If there is some such option, I've missed it thus far.)

In reply to by forwardtoeric

You can also download .mscz files. I have done so many times and other users have downloaded my scores. I think that it's only official scores that are restricted to PDF.

The .org site is dedicated to the free MuseScore score editor. The .com site is the only one that shares scores. The search box at the top of the .org page is just a hook into the .com search.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Your score is good--for the solo part. So again, thank you. I'm trying to find a transposable score for the harmony part. (We step down the lead 3 half-steps to get it into my range.) So basically I need a score with both parts.

It's damn shame that MuseScore.org doesn't let me search for .mscx files that folks have uploaded. (I wouldn't mind paying for them, either.) But returning search results that come from MuseScore.com is just inane. The .com site ONLY provides PDFs -- which makes the combination of the two utterly useless to me!)

Regarding transcriptions:
Ha ha! You have me confused with someone who knows what they're doing!
If I could make a transcription -- and write a score--I wouldn't need a .mscx file.

Where do I find those files, anyway?
If there is one with two vocal parts, I can use a PDF to see the lyrics for both parts,
and add maybe add them to the .mscx file for our sheet-music reading harmony person!

(I'm pretty strong on the lead part, but only after stepping down about 3 half-steps.)

In reply to by forwardtoeric

The search can only return scores from the .com site because that's where all the scores live. There are no scores on .org. Even the score above is only a link to .com.

As I said above, and showed the dialogue, the search finds all files and you can choose your preferred format for download, (except for Official Scores which are PDF only.)

You can download the above score by following the link underneath it then pressing the download button and choosing your preferred format.

Here is the full score:

The Sound of Silence - Paul Simon - Guitar Tab by yonah_ag

(Well, technically speaking there are a few scores on .org but these are from users attaching them to a support thread so they're not part of the search system and not intended for mass consumption.)

In reply to by yonah_ag

Nice work. Not sure how you figured all that out, but great job that you did.

AFTER I hit the download button at the .com site I can see which formats are available, and choose the one I want?
a) That's a bit backwards. There several dozen of Sound of Silence scores. I should click all of them?

b) All the ones I saw said "PDF". I stopped after 4 pages -- only 18 more to go, to see if any say somthing different.

c) Apparently there are .mscx versions, like yours, but even if you know they're there, how do you find them (Only by getting a link from the author, apparently.)

d) I was about to give up on Musescore, because--nice as Studio is--a bunch of downloadable PDFs just don't cut it. They pretty much destroy the whole value proposition the app is going for.

e) I DID find a sheet music library site. $16 for a lifetime membership, and you can browse or search by format. (details below.) Found 2 versions of Sound of Silence, but at the time all they give is the title--no descriptions, no page previews, nothing. So it's anybody's guess whether what they have is what I need. (It's worth the gamble, I suspect, but it's still a gamble.)

Once again, much as I admire the work you put into your score, I need a DUET with TWO vocal parts.
I saw pages of solo versions at the ,com site. Exactly two duet versions--both PDFs. (Alas)

I know the lead well enough to sing it a cappella--but in Bm, not the original Dm. It's our new harmony singer needs the sheet music. We can easily transpose chords, but notes is something else again.

lets you search by title, but returns titles only. No other information. You can't click on the titles for more information. (Might be different if you're a member. Or not.)

-- Gives more useful results, but why there is date in the address, I know not. (Got there by searching on "sheet music library musescore". It ought to be possible to get there from the main page: https://sheetmusiclibrary.website, but I'm darned if I see how.)

-- Unfortunately, the "Added information" is a tiny page-1 thumbnail that is too small to read, even at maximum browser magnification.

--At maximum magnification, though, I could just make out that all three are solo versions -- no duets. Drat!

In reply to by forwardtoeric

It would be nice to filter out official scores but musescore.com is a commercial enterprise so they need to promote these scores. However, you don't need to click on a score to check the download options because official scores are labelled with a blue sticker:

Screenshot_20241102-101852_Samsung Internet.jpg

You could try MusicNotes.com:


Screenshot_20241102-102607_Samsung Internet.jpg

They seem to have their own free software for score management and playback but I don't know what formats you can export to - maybe something that MuseScore can import?

In reply to by yonah_ag

Hey, Yonah (is it?)
Eric here.

First thanks for the work you've been doing to help solve the immediate problem!
A few notes:
1. Most of my feedback on how things SHOULD work has been aimed at the people who run .org and .com

  1. As you noted earlier, the .org site has a search box. It takes you to .com, which ONLY provides PDFs.
    (Both confusing and pretty dumb, imho)

  2. Thanks for the pointer to MusicNotes. Handy!
    I'll try to use your screenshot to replicate the search you did on that site.

  3. The note about the "Official" sticker is very handy.
    (It's just annoying that the .com site won't let me specify format first, and have to click download buttons to see what's available -- Human-usability perfectionist, here.)

  4. Thanks for the .com search results. Didn't think to search for "choir". I only searched on "duet."
    I'll take a look at those, as well as MusicNotes.

Thanks again!

In reply to by forwardtoeric

  1. Your statement Is incorrect since .com offers .pdf, .mscz, .midi and MusicXML downloads, except on official scores which are only available in .pdf.

I think that pro users may have an option for marking their scores as "not downloadable" but I'm not sure.

  1. I haven't used MusicNotes myself.

  2. There is no need to click a button to see what is available. See 2 above.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Oh! So if it isn't an official score, ALL formats are available? (.mscx, .mxl, .midi, etc., in addition to .pdf)
Didn't guess that. But it makes sense, once you know that anything other than a pdf will be available.
Once you know that, yeah. No need to click the download button to see.

As for MusicNotes, don't bother. All I saw were PDFs, $2 or $3 each, with a MINIMUM ORDER of 1o.
No thanks...

In reply to by yonah_ag

With your help, I was able to find a nice Duet version in Musescore format that I could transpose to Bm.

It doesn't have chord names written in for the guitarists, but they're relatively easy to add.
Most importantly, the sheet-music reading harmony singer now has what she need!
(Thanks a ton, man.)

The search box at the top of this page adds to the confusion between the .org and .com sites. Here we are on .org but the search box pertains to .com. ¿Qué?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's a darn good reason for limiting what's available on ,org.
But still, I want the ability to select the kind of scores I'm going to get a Musescore.com

If I want a PDF, fine. I'll select that. But when I'm coming from Musescore.org, the odds that I really want a PDF are staggeringly low!

In reply to by forwardtoeric

I'm so confused.

• I've explained that the scores are all on .com so searching from .org does not make any difference.
• I've explained that all formats are available except for official scores which are PDF only.
• I've shown you how to spot official scores.
• I've sent you a link that gives 9 non-official, choral versions of The Sound of Silence.
• I've shown you the dialogue popup which allows you to select any format for these 9.

So, why can't you pick any/all of them and download in mscz format?


I posted here a file of the song you are after. The melody and harmony, in Bm. No lyrics. I assume you know them. But I forgot how uptight the music industry is, so I took it down. I wonder if they will let me post a DropBox link.
Yes, uptight. I get there should be protections. But the music industry has tons of money and lawyers to get more. What does a performer like myself have? Nothing. If the venue I play at doesn't have the proper license, I get to pay. Sure I can sue someone who uses my music without my consent. Great. Time and money I don't have.
My wife and I once did a 30 minute show of children's music We where told to get permission from the bands whose music we were performing. So we did. Some never responded. Others gave us permission. One was totally surprised that we asked. They said no one ever asks. They were happy for us to perform their music because it was like free advertising.
All of which has next to nothing to do with PDF's, I know. Speaking of which, I believe it is OK to import a PHF into MuseScore.

In reply to by bobjp

I hear your pain! If I was making money from these gigs, I'd be happy to share.
But they're free recitals from (very) amateur musicians.

The music library I mentioned in an early comment does have Musescore-format files. If you happen to stumble across your version, perhaps you could upload yours there? Then send me a note! (Here, or eric -at- MeditateBetter -dot- com).

I'd love to find a DUET version, so my sheet-music-reading harmony partner has notes she can follow after we stop it down to Bm from the original DM.

As for me: Give me sheet music and i play connect-the-dots. (Seriously though. I use a combination of tabs and play-by ear to learn a tune. Once I have it, I find the sheet music easier to follow as a reminder--the up-and-down placement of the notes tells me what direction I should be moving, with an indication of how much. So it's all useful!

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