What can be done to make the right hand sound louder than the left hand on the piano?
Hi! I want to make my piano melody sounds louder than the left hand. Im using musehub grand piano.
Hi! I want to make my piano melody sounds louder than the left hand. Im using musehub grand piano.
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Use 2 pianos, one for treble clef and another for bass clef, remove the unused staves
In reply to Use 2 pianos, one for treble… by Jojo-Schmitz
Really? I had thought that adding separate dynamics to the two staves of a grand staff was possible as of the most recent update, (I don't have it yet, so can't even try it.)
In reply to Really? I had thought that… by TheHutch
Dynamics might work indeed. Not the Mixer though
In reply to Dynamics might work indeed… by Jojo-Schmitz
See: https://musescore.org/en/node/346504#comment-1267915
In reply to Dynamics might work indeed… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, I had only thought about dynamics. Never even considered using the Mixer. *forehead slap*
In reply to Oh, I had only thought about… by TheHutch
And you would use the mixer how?
In reply to And you would use the mixer… by bobjp
What is the title and body text of this thread? Where do you see the OP, @piyanist123, talking about Mixer? He doesn't, never. You do.
In reply to And you would use the mixer… by bobjp
I suggested using dynamics markings (because I thought they now work on grand staff instruments?). Jojo suggested splitting the grand staff into two separate piano instruments--one treble and one bass--and simply using the Mixer to make one of them louder or softer in the mix. Both work: in different ways.
OP did not describe exactly how they wanted to make one staff louder than the other: just asked how to do so. Here are two ways. *shrug*
In reply to I suggested using dynamics… by TheHutch
"Both work: in different ways"