Long tie

• Nov 26, 2024 - 12:58

I am trying to insert a tie, that goes along 4, 4/4 tacts. Yet when I select the first and the last notes of that passage, and press on the tie [T, or through the button] nothing happens. Slur works though.

Is this intended not to happen, or am I perhaps making sth wrong?


Maybe you don't need to select the fourth note?

But you don't have to use 4 quarter notes, why not a whole note without a tie?

Well, a tie is intended to connect two adjacent notes of the same pitch. Not all the notes of a passage. Perhaps Post a score, or an image of what you are trying to do.

In reply to by bobjp

Here an extract of one of the score I am trying to add a long tie.
As said, instead, currently I am using a slur.

but then again, I was not aware, that a tie connects only two adjacent notes (now I checked the definition - they even have be of the same pitch, so that they can be played as a single note).
And if that is the case, then I guess I must to be a slur for me.

Attachment Size
Long slurs should be ties.mscz 27.41 KB

In reply to by traditions

Slurs and ties are different things.

Ties are only used to connect adjacent notes of the same pitch and indicate that the note lasts for the total duration of the tied notes. The adjacent notes in your score have different pitches except for 2 A flats at the end of measure 7 where a tie would be usable but not necessary as a half note would normally be used instead of two tied quarter notes and would sound the same; and at the start of measure 14 where a whole note could be used instead of two tied half notes.

What slurs indicate depends very much on the context and the instrument being written for. Sometimes it means play the adjacent notes with a smooth transition, or play the notes within the slur as one phrase, or in one breath on a wind instrument or with one stroke of the bow on a string instrument.

This comment does not relate to Ties or Slurs but the Time Signature.
I think that you would be better off to use the time signature of 3/2
as you have three half notes in each bar. Make sense?

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