Formatting Parts & Score in Musescore Studio 4 (Latest Release)
Hello, I am having trouble formatting my score...
More or less wondering, mainly, if there's anyway to apply the affect that the Orchestral Template has to the systems, where it will automatically add the tempo marking to both the top of the system, and to the Strings section when placing a tempo element, or, gradual tempo change to a score....
I've written out this entire score, using a blank template. From what I'm gathering so far, there's no way to change the base template of an already created work. I want to format the score properly, by having the tempo markings, rehearsal markings, and gradual changes appear lower in the systems for the strings section and at the top of the systems where it typically would be, without having to go through the entire score and create something that appears that way, for each marking I have...
Is there a way to do this, without creating a new score from the template, and going through the pain staking process of creating a whole new layout to carefully move all measures from all instruments over to it?? (Attached my score, here, for reference): The Long Arctic Midnight - copy.mscz (This score is protected by copyright! Not that I think any of you would do anything with it, but, better safe than sorry!!)
EDIT: And secondly, I'm having a lot of trouble balancing the score/part synchronization when trying to make a different title appearance for parts vs. the full score... If I add in a Text frame to a part, then in properties, check the box for "Exclude from score", then return to the score, for some reason, a FULL page of empty text frames will appear in the score... And if I were to Select/DEL them, it also deletes the new frame that was created in the parts, that was also commanded to be excluded from the score?! What's going on there?
The UI for that setting is still missing, you'd have to manually edit the mscx file to add it
In reply to The UI for that setting is… by Jojo-Schmitz
How would one complete this task..? Is that even viably possible?
In reply to How would one complete this… by UncleRed99
? As said: currently only by manually editing the mscx file
In reply to How would one complete this… by UncleRed99
By adding something like this
at the correct place and with the correct staffId
In reply to By adding something like… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, I'm sorry! I'm not super familiar with what editing the mscx file means. And I didn't notice the github link the first view of your comment. Am currently multitaskings 0_0 I'm sorry!
I'll look into that, to see what exactly I should do about it, at the Github link. Hoping there's specific scripting in there that could assist me. Thanks, Jojo
In reply to By adding something like… by Jojo-Schmitz
So for clarification, how would I edit the mscz file? Is there a specific method of opening the source code of the file? I'm not familiar with this process... My scripting/coding knowledge only goes so far as C++ and Python coding back in high school, when I made the whole "Hello World!" Text appear like a typewriter style text line... lol
In reply to So for clarification, how… by UncleRed99
An mscz file really is a zip file in disguise, so open ithwith 7Zip or the lines, extract the mscx, etdit that (it is a plain text file) with any editor of your choice, save, copy back into the mscz
Bake a backup first though ;-)
In reply to An mscz file really is a zip… by Jojo-Schmitz
Quick question. Using Windows 11, couldn't I simply open it in the Windows Notepad? Many different coding/scripting edits are done using this method. would this work here too?
In reply to Quick question. Using… by UncleRed99
It should
In reply to It should by Jojo-Schmitz
haven't gotten around to trying this yet but I'm about to now. i'll see how it goes.
In reply to It should by Jojo-Schmitz
oof. well. Opening it in Notepad just shows me a bunch of illegible symbols, and hexadecimal coding. Computer language, if you will... lol doesn't appear like what you were describing above, with what I'd assume is HTML or Python code lines.
In reply to oof. well. Opening it in… by UncleRed99
You have to extract the .mscx file first. A .mscz file is a compressed zip file that contains the .mscx file as mentioned here
In reply to You have to extract the … by SteveBlower
isn't it obvious I'm not savy with files? lol Never could get the hang of it. I'll check it out. It's not high on my priority list, but still something I need to do.
In reply to oof. well. Opening it in… by UncleRed99
" Opening it in Notepad just shows me a bunch of illegible symbols, and hexadecimal coding. "
I think that maybe you tried to open the .mscz file directly with Notepad?
What you need to do (as suggested by Jojo) is to use the free 7-Zip tool to extract the full uncompressed .mscx file. Then use Notepad to edit the uncompressed .mscx file.
In reply to oof. well. Opening it in… by UncleRed99
You can also create the mscx file by clicking "Save as" and selecting "mscx".
In reply to You can also create the mscx… by HildeK
In Mu3, Mu4 doesn't have that, only "save as uncompressed folder (experimental)"
In reply to How would one complete this… by UncleRed99
Or by deriving your template from the existing ones that have these settings