Pay to fix an imported PDF score
I paid for a score (The Force Theme: because I love it, basically. I used to play the piano and now I'm getting back into it using PianoVision. This particular piece has a few parts I'm not getting, and I want to try using Mixed Reality to get the guidance.
The MuseScore PDF reader did a really good job, but has messed up a few bars. I did get some bars nearly there, but then the app crashed, and I can't remember what I did for some of it. I'm not going to be composing anything in the future - so I've got to a point where I'll offer to pay someone to get it done right.
So - paid for score - I want the midi out of it - hence the need for assistance on Studio.
If you're in the UK, I can do bank transfer or PayPal. If elsewhere, it'll be PayPal. If anyone's interested let me know - I'll pay £20/$25. My guess is it'll take a fairly decent user of MuseScore Studio 30 ish minutes.
One error comes up when saving it - Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 20, stave 1. Found 31/24. Expected 82/64. But there are a few bars where notes are missing OR Studio won't let me use a quaver and insists on semiquaver, for example.
I'm on it...
In reply to I'm on it... by Jojo-Schmitz
Brilliant, thanks Jojo. Do you need anything from me?
In reply to Brilliant, thanks Jojo. Do… by russellpolloc
Contact me via the contact form of my profile (I can't contact you, as you have that disabled)
In reply to Contact me via the contact… by Jojo-Schmitz
I sent you a message - did it come through?
In reply to I sent you a message - did… by russellpolloc
Done, as you may see it took more than 1 hour...
And I haven't proofread it yet.
In reply to Done by Jojo-Schmitz
Now proofread too...