Pay to fix an imported PDF score

• Dec 3, 2024 - 10:01

I paid for a score (The Force Theme: because I love it, basically. I used to play the piano and now I'm getting back into it using PianoVision. This particular piece has a few parts I'm not getting, and I want to try using Mixed Reality to get the guidance.

The MuseScore PDF reader did a really good job, but has messed up a few bars. I did get some bars nearly there, but then the app crashed, and I can't remember what I did for some of it. I'm not going to be composing anything in the future - so I've got to a point where I'll offer to pay someone to get it done right.

So - paid for score - I want the midi out of it - hence the need for assistance on Studio.

If you're in the UK, I can do bank transfer or PayPal. If elsewhere, it'll be PayPal. If anyone's interested let me know - I'll pay £20/$25. My guess is it'll take a fairly decent user of MuseScore Studio 30 ish minutes.

One error comes up when saving it - Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 20, stave 1. Found 31/24. Expected 82/64. But there are a few bars where notes are missing OR Studio won't let me use a quaver and insists on semiquaver, for example.


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